
Creates AWS Rolee.

aws, codebuild, pipeline, creator
pip install aws-role-creator==0.0.10


AWS Role Creator


aws-role-creator creates an aws role.

The primary purpose is to create roles for projects, which automatically allows them access to various AWS resources based-on their project name. If the project name is 'test', they can only access resources which begin with 'TEST' or 'test'


aws-role-creator is on PyPI so all you need is:

$ pip install aws-role-creator


Getting help

$ role-creator upsert --help
Usage: role-creator upsert [OPTIONS]

  Creates a new role

  -v, --version TEXT              code version
  -d, --dryrun                    dry run
  --no-poll                       Start the stack work but do not poll
  -i, --ini TEXT                  INI file with needed information
  -n, --project-name TEXT         project name
  -e, --environment-abbreviation TEXT
                                  environment abbreviation (i.e. dev, pd,
  -a, --aws-account-number TEXT   aws account number for role or account
                                  number for aws account role will jump to if
  -b, --bucket TEXT               bucket to upload cf template
  -t, --template-type TEXT        template type - whether a project_role or
  -r, --region TEXT               aws region
  -p, --aws-profile TEXT          aws profile
  -w, --aws-resources TEXT        comma delimited list of aws resources the
                                  role will have access to. Includes: ec2,clou
  -m, --template TEXT             cloudformation template path/name
  --debug                         Turn on debugging
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


If you have multiple AWS accounts, such as one for Dev, one for , QA, and one for Prod. Then you usually have an AWS jump account where
users can login, and then assume roles in to other AWS accounts - this is the purpose of the project_role_jump_account

The project_role account is the role which projects will utilize in various AWS accounts, and the role only has permissions
to AWS resources which begin with the project-name - which the exception of S3 buckets.  Because S3 buckets are globally scoped, the
S3 bucket should be named environment-abbreviation, dash, project-name.

Permissions are created with both upper and lower case.

Utilize the aws-resources parameter to pass-in which resources the project will need access to.

Running From Command-Line

To create a project jump account role:
    role-creator upsert --project-name test --environment-abbreviation dv --aws-account-number 1234567890 --template-type project_role_jump_account --region us-east-1 --aws-profile will  --bucket cf-templates-987654
To create a normal role for a project:
    role-creator upsert --project-name test --environment-abbreviation dv --aws-account-number 12345678 --template-type project_role --region us-east-1 --aws-profile will --aws-resources ec2,cloudformation,s3,ecs,support,events,kms,waf,sns,states,iam,elasticloadbalancing,cloudwatch,cloudfront,elasticbeanstalk,ecr,autoscaling,dynamodb,sqs,acm,route53,codebuild,codepipeline,ssm,batch,apigateway,logs,elasticmapreduce --bucket cf-templates-987654
NOTE: When you run from the command-line, and template.json file will automatically be created for future use
NOTE: Project name and environment abbreviation are capitalized automatically for consistency

Running from and Ini File

Example Ini file

bucket = cf-templates
template_type = project_role
region = us-east-1
stack_name = iam-role
profile = me

DeployedBy = me

UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix = UT
LowercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix = ut
AccountNumber = 123456789
UppercaseProjectName = my-role
LowercaseProjectName = my-role
Resources = ec2,cloudformation,s3,ecs,support,events,kms,waf,sns,states,iam,elasticloadbalancing,cloudwatch,cloudfront,elasticbeanstalk,ecr,autoscaling,dynamodb,sqs,acm,route53,codebuild,codepipeline,ssm,batch,apigateway,logs,elasticmapreduce

RoleName = my-role


AWS role creator tutorial

Example of a Jump Account Role which allows the assumption of a role in another account

    "Parameters": {
        "AccountNumber": {
            "Description": "AWS Account Number",
            "Type": "String"
        "IAMNamespace": {
            "Default": "/",
            "Description": "Namespace for IAM users, policies, etc.",
            "Type": "String"
        "LowercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix": {
            "Description": "Lowercase abbreviation for AWS account (i.e. dev,qa,prod)",
            "Type": "String"
        "LowercaseProjectName": {
            "Description": "Lowercase Project Name",
            "Type": "String"
        "UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix": {
            "Description": "Uppercase abbreviation for AWS account (i.e. DEV,QA,PROD)",
            "Type": "String"
        "UppercaseProjectName": {
            "Description": "Uppercase Project Name",
            "Type": "String"
    "Resources": {
        "Group": {
            "Properties": {
                "GroupName": {
                    "Fn::Join": [
                                "Ref": "UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix"
                                "Ref": "UppercaseProjectName"
            "Type": "AWS::IAM::Group"
        "ManagedPolicy": {
            "Properties": {
                "Description": {
                    "Fn::Join": [
                                "Ref": "UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix"
                                "Ref": "UppercaseProjectName"
                "ManagedPolicyName": {
                    "Fn::Join": [
                                "Ref": "UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix"
                                "Ref": "UppercaseProjectName"
                "Path": {
                    "Ref": "IAMNamespace"
                "PolicyDocument": {
                    "Statement": [
                            "Action": [
                            "Effect": "Allow",
                            "Resource": [
                            "Sid": "StsAccess"
                    "Version": "2012-10-17"
            "Type": "AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy"

Example of the Role Created

	"Parameters": {
		"AccountNumber": {
			"Description": "AWS Account Number",
			"Type": "String"
		"IAMNamespace": {
			"Default": "/",
			"Description": "Namespace for IAM users, policies, etc.",
			"Type": "String"
		"LowercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix": {
			"Description": "Lowercase abbreviation for AWS account (i.e. dev,qa,prod)",
			"Type": "String"
		"LowercaseProjectName": {
			"Description": "Lowercase Project Name",
			"Type": "String"
		"UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix": {
			"Description": "Uppercase abbreviation for AWS account (i.e. DEV,QA,PROD)",
			"Type": "String"
		"UppercaseProjectName": {
			"Description": "Uppercase Project Name",
			"Type": "String"
	"Resources": {
		"IamGroup": {
			"Properties": {
				"GroupName": {
					"Fn::Join": [
						"-", [{
								"Ref": "UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix"
								"Ref": "UppercaseProjectName"
				"Path": {
					"Ref": "IAMNamespace"
			"Type": "AWS::IAM::Group"
		"ManagedPolicy": {
			"Properties": {
				"Description": {
					"Fn::Join": [
						"-", [{
								"Ref": "UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix"
								"Ref": "UppercaseProjectName"
				"Groups": [{
					"Fn::Join": [
						"-", [{
								"Ref": "UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix"
								"Ref": "UppercaseProjectName"
				"ManagedPolicyName": {
					"Fn::Join": [
						"-", [{
								"Ref": "UppercaseAwsEnvironmentPrefix"
								"Ref": "UppercaseProjectName"
				"Path": {
					"Ref": "IAMNamespace"
				"PolicyDocument": {
					"Ref": {
						"Id": "Account-Permissions",
						"Statement": [{
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "Ec2Access"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "CloudformationAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "S3Access"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "ECSAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "SupportAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "EventsAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "KmsAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "WafAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "SnsAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "StatesAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "IamAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "ElasticloadbalancingAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "CloudwatchAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "CloudfrontAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "ElasticbeanstalkAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "EcrAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "AutoscalingAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "DynamodbAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "SqsAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "AcmAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "Route53Access"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "CodebuildAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "CodepipelineAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "SsmAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "BatchAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "ApigatewayAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "LogsAccess"
								"Action": [
								"Effect": "Allow",
								"Resource": [
								"Sid": "ElasticmapreduceAccess"
						"Version": "2012-10-17"
			"Type": "AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy"