
BagelML is a Python library for interacting with the Bagel inference and vector embedding API.

pip install bagelML==0.0.15


Bagel Developer Documentation 🥯

Welcome to the Bagel client hub! It's a thrill to see you stepping into the future with us.

Driven by purpose, our mission is to empower resource-limited teams, to craft state-of-the-art AI models and apps. We envision a world where, even without vast capital, teams can rival tech titans like Google and OpenAI. Together, let's democratize the AI frontier.

For a seamless experience, we've tailored two dedicated clients for you: JavaScript and Python. If you're eager to delve deeper into Bagel's capabilities, our litepaper awaits your perusal.

What's Inside? 🥯

Well, this repository houses tools that make chatting with the Bagel API a breeze. Instead of you juggling with HTTP requests or handling API responses, these clients will take on the grunt work. What's left for you? Just the fun part – crafting great applications!

Directory Breakdown 🥯

  • JavaScript Client: Tucked here is our JavaScript client, along with some nifty instructions, illustrative examples, and tests to ensure everything's running smoothly.

  • Python Client: For our Python aficionados, this spot has everything you need: the client itself, guidance on its usage, some sample code, and, of course, tests.

Ready to Roll? 🥯

If you're itching to get started, just head to either the JavaScript or Python client directory. The READMEs there are pretty helpful, walking you through the setup step-by-step. And, oh, don't forget about dependencies and environment variables – they're key!

Want to contribute? 🥯

Think you can add some zing to our JavaScript or Python clients? We're all ears! Dive into our contributing guidelines and throw us a pull request. Every bit of help is cherished!

The Fine Print 🥯

All the code here is under the Apache License, Version 2.0. If you want the nitty-gritty, check out the LICENSE.txt in the repository's root.

Need Help? 🥯

Run into a snag? Puzzled by something? Drop an issue in this repository. We're here to help, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Cheers to coding and bagels! 🥯