Library for working with bank_scrapers drivers.

pip install bank-scrapers==1.1.3


pip installation pip installation pip installation


Quick Start

pip install bank_scrapers
bank-scrape {subcommand} $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS


bank_scrapers is a library containing drivers for scraping account information from various financial websites.

Since most traditional financial institutions don't provide an API for accessing one's account data, most of these drivers utilize Selenium to impersonate the user using the provided credentials.

Getting Started



pip install bank_scrapers


pip install git+


💡 Usage examples for each driver are listed in that driver's documentation


For general info and complete usage documentation

bank-scrape -h

General usage pattern

bank-scrape {subcommand} $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS


API results are returned as a Python list of pandas dataframes, containing relevant data scraped from the site. See each driver's section for info on what is in that driver's return tables.

from bank_scrapers.scrapers.becu.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
for t in tables:

Drivers that need a tmp directory

Some drivers download the accounts data and process the downloaded file. This requires the use of a temp directory to use as Chromium's downloads folder, and the location of this folder must be specified in get_accounts_info().

❗️Selenium often has issues writing to /tmp/ in Linux distributions, hence this requirement in the code.

❗️tmp_dir MUST be empty for this function to work

from bank_scrapers.scrapers.fidelity_netbenefits.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(
    username="{username}", password="{password}", tmp_dir="/tmp"
for t in tables:

get_accounts_info() for general use

As of version 1.1, there is a single get_accounts_info() function available in the module bank_scrapers.get_accounts_info that takes the institution name as the first argument and the rest of the institution's required arguments after that.


from bank_scrapers.get_accounts_info import get_accounts_info

accounts_info = get_accounts_info("chase", "{username}", "{password}")

for table in accounts_info:

Prometheus-friendly Exposition Format

As of version 1.1, it is possible to get output the metrics in the form of [labels] metric by passing the prometheus=True parameter to get_accounts_info.

Passing this parameter will cause the API to return the following format: Tuple(List, List)

  1. The first list in the tuple will return a list of labels (one per symbol per account) and their Quantity (i.e. number of shares/units).
  2. The second list in the tuple will return a list of labels (one per symbol per account) and the symbol's USD value (i.e. #.# if it's a US-based bank account, such as Chase, or the share value of a stock, such as in Vanguard accounts).

The metric comes back in the following format:

(['<institution_name>', <account_number>, '<account_type>', '<symbol>'], <metric>)


This functionality is meant to make these metrics easily ingest-able into a Prometheus server.

from import get_accounts_info

prometheus_output = get_accounts_info(
    "{username}", "{password}", "/tmp/directory", prometheus=True

print((prometheus_output[0][0], prometheus_output[1][0]))
> ((['Vanguard', ########, 'deposit', 'TTWO'], ##.#), (['Vanguard', ########, 'deposit', 'TTWO'], ###.##))

metrics = Gauge(

for metric in prometheus_output[0]:
    labels: List[str] = metric[0]
    value: float = metric[1]


MFA Automation

As of version 1.1, it is possible to automate the Multi-Factor Authentication workflows in both the API and the CLI by providing a Python dict (or JSON file in the case of the CLI) with the following:

#. otp_contact_option: The list option which you would like to use for MFA Authentication (e.g. when a site asks if you'd like to be contacted via # Phone or # SMS) #. otp_code_location: The file directory location to look for a file containing the One-Time Password (OTP). See OTP File Requirements below


from bank_scrapers.scrapers.roundpoint.driver import get_accounts_info

prometheus_output = get_accounts_info(
    mfa_auth={"otp_contact_option": 1, "otp_code_location": "/tmp/otp_codes"},


bank-scrape roundpoint $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS --json_file ~/roundpoint_mfa.json
OTP File Requirements
  • The scraper will begin searching the text in files in the otp_code_location ## seconds after the OTP request is submitted on the site.
  • The scraper will look at each file in the otp_code_location in reverse alphabetical order. For this reason, if you are automatically moving your SMS to this folder through some automation system, it is recommended to prepend the file names with a timestamp.
  • Each scraper has a string term that it searches for in each file (to ensure that the OTP was sent from/belongs to the correct institution). These values for can be found in each scraper's documentation below.
  • The scraper will NOT delete the file once it is done. Maintaining this directory is up to you.

While automating getting SMS messages with OTP codes from your phone to .txt files on your PC is outside the scope of this project, SMS to URL Forwarder and webhook is a good place to start.


These are all written in Python using the Selenium driver and, for the most part, try to simulate the real user experience/workflow as seen in the eyes of the website provider.



Boeing Enterprises Credit Union


This is a Selenium driver that logs in using provided credentials and reads account info from the landing page.

❗️Driver does NOT currently support MFA

Example Usage


bank-scrape becu $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS


from bank_scrapers.scrapers.becu.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
for t in tables:

Example Result

Account YTD Interest Current Balance Available Balance account_type symbol usd_value
########## ###.## #####.## #####.## deposit USD 1
########## ###.## #####.## #####.## deposit USD 1
########## ###.## #####.## #####.## deposit USD 1
Account Current Balance Available Credit account_type symbol usd_value
#### ####.## ##### credit USD 1



Chase Banking


This is a Selenium driver that logs in using provided credentials, navigates MFA, navigates to the detail account info from the landing page, and reads the account info from the page.

✔️ Driver supports handling of MFA

❗️This driver is designed to crawl and pull data for Chase credit card services only. Chase shared bank accounts are currently not in the scope of this project

Example Usage


bank-scrape chase $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS


from import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
for t in tables:


Example Workflow
>>> # Example MFA workflow
>>> tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
1: Get a text
2: Get a call
Please select one: {user_choose_mfa_option}
Enter OTP Code: {user_enters_otp_code}
Example Automation JSON

Note that Chase has # MFA workflows. otp_contact_option_alternate refers to the (now) more common one with a binary Call Me/Text Me choice. otp_contact_option refers to the traditional workflow with a list of numbers and contact options in a dropdown list.

  "otp_contact_option": 2,
  "otp_contact_option_alternate": 2,
  "otp_code_location": "/tmp/otp_codes"
OTP Code File Keyword


Example Result

Current balance Pending charges Available credit Total credit limit Next closing date Balance on last statement Remaining statement balance Payments are due on the account account_type symbol usd_value
####.## ##.## #####.# ##### ##### ####.## ####.## # #### credit USD 1
Last payment Minimum payment Automatic Payments account account_type symbol
####.## ##.#### #### credit USD
Points available account account_type symbol
###### #### credit USD
Cash advance balance Available for cash advance Cash advance limit account account_type symbol
# #### #### #### credit USD
Purchase APR Cash advance APR account account_type symbol
##.## ##.## #### credit USD
Program details account account_type symbol
#### credit USD

Return Schema

Provides int-ified values for each of the columns.

❗️Dates will be converted to their spreadsheet friendly int-representation

❗️Any text values are dropped. Most notably this affects Automatic Payments and Program details columns, which are currently out of the scope of this project

Fidelity NetBenefits


Fidelity NetBenefits

❗️This driver is designed to work on the webpage for Fidelity NetBenefits, which is Fidelity's net interface for 401(k) holders and stock plan participants for various companies. It is not designed to work for general brokerage account holders, though I suspect it would work with minimal effort

️✔️ This driver will pull holdings info for all Fidelity accounts for the account holder, including general brokerage accounts


This is a Selenium driver that logs in using provided credentials, navigates #FA, navigates to the detail account info from the landing page for Fidelity NetBenefits.

Instead of scraping the user's account info from the page, this driver will navigate to the user's positions summary and download the accounts info provided by Fidelity using a folder of the user's choice

✔️ Driver supports handling of #FA

Example Usage


bank-scrape fidelity-nb $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS

💡 The CLI backend handles the creation of a tmp directory in the user's home directory by default. The API doesn't have this functionality


from bank_scrapers.scrapers.fidelity_netbenefits.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(
    username="{username}", password="{password}", tmp_dir="/tmp"
for t in tables:

❗️NOTE tmp_dir MUST be empty for this function to work


Example Workflow
>>> # Example MFA workflow
>>> tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}", tmp_dir="{tmp_dir})
Enter OTP Code: {user_enters_otp_code}
Example Automation JSON

Note that Fidelity doesn't have any otp_contact_option.

  "otp_code_location": "/tmp/otp_codes"
OTP Code File Keyword


Example Result

Account Number Account Name Symbol Description Quantity Last Price Last Price Change Current Value Today's Gain/Loss Dollar Today's Gain/Loss Percent Total Gain/Loss Dollar Total Gain/Loss Percent Percent Of Account Cost Basis Total Average Cost Basis Type account_type
Z######## Individual - TOD USD HELD IN FCASH ##.## # nan $##.## nan nan nan nan #.##% nan nan Cash deposit
Z######## Individual - TOD AMZN AMAZON.COM INC ### ###.# +$#.## $#####.## +$###.## +#.##% +$####.## +##.##% ##.##% $#####.## $###.## Cash deposit
##### AMAZON ###(K) PLAN SSGA LG CAP GROWTH SSGA LG CAP GROWTH ####.## ##.## -$#.## $#####.## -$###.## -#.##% +$#####.## +##.##% ##.##% $#####.## $##.## nan retirement
##### AMAZON ###(K) PLAN #####N### VANGUARD TARGET #### ###.### ###.## -$#.## $#####.## -$##.## -#.##% +$####.## +##.##% #.##% $#####.## $###.## nan retirement
##### AMAZON ###(K) PLAN AMZN AMAZON.COM STOCK ##.### ###.# +$#.## $#####.## +$###.## +#.##% +$####.## +##.##% #.##% $#####.## $###.## nan retirement
##### AMAZON ###(K) PLAN VFTNX VANG FTSE SOC IDX IS ####.## ##.## -$#.## $#####.## -$###.## -#.##% +$#####.## +##.##% ##.##% $#####.## $##.## nan retirement



RoundPoint Mortgage


This is a Selenium driver that logs in using provided credentials, navigates #FA, navigates to the detail account info from the landing page for a mortgage serviced by RoundPoint Mortgage.

✔️ Driver supports handling of #FA

Example Usage


bank-scrape roundpoint $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS


from bank_scrapers.scrapers.roundpoint.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
for t in tables:


Example Workflow
>>> # Example MFA workflow
>>> tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
1: Email (**********@##.##)
2: Text (***-***-####)
Please select one: {user_choose_mfa_option}
Enter OTP Code: {user_enters_otp_code}
Example Automation JSON

1 is email.

2 is SMS.

  "otp_contact_option": 2,
  "otp_code_location": "/tmp/otp_codes"
OTP Code File Keyword

Servicing Digital

Example Result

Balance Monthly Payment Amount Actual Due Date Next Draft Date Payment Method account_number account_type usd_value symbol
#####.# ###.## July ##, #### July ##, #### Checking Account (####) ########## loan 1 USD

SMBC Prestia


Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation PRESTIA


This is a Selenium driver that logs in using provided credentials, navigates to the detail account info and scrapes account info for a member account of SMBC Prestia.

❗️Driver does NOT currently support MFA

Example Usage


bank-scrape smbc-prestia $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS


from bank_scrapers.scrapers.smbc_prestia.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
for t in tables:

Example Result

Account Number Available Amount symbol account_type usd_value
####### ####### JPY deposit #.########
######## # JPY deposit #.########



University of Hawaii Federal Credit Union


This is a Selenium driver that logs in using provided credentials, navigates MFA, navigates to the detail account info from the landing page for UHFCU account. It will also navigate to the credit card management system used by UHFCU and pull info for each credit card on the dashboard

✔️ Driver supports handling of #FA

Example Usage


bank-scrape uhfcu $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS


from bank_scrapers.scrapers.uhfcu.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
for t in tables:


Example Workflow
>>> # Example MFA workflow
>>> tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
1: #********#@##.##
2: ###-***-**##
Please select one: {user_choose_mfa_option}
Enter OTP Code: {user_enters_otp_code}
Example Automation JSON

1 is email.

2 is SMS.

  "otp_contact_option": 2,
  "otp_code_location": "/tmp/otp_codes"
OTP Code File Keyword

University of Hawaii Federal Credit Union

Example Result

Account Type Account Desc Available Current Balance symbol account_type usd_value
Savings XXX ##-S#### $#.## #.## USD deposit 1
Checking XXX ##-S#### $#,###.## ####.## USD deposit 1
Current Balance Pending Balance Statement Balance Available Credit Last Payment Total Minimum Due Payment Due Date Last Login Account Desc symbol account_type usd_value
# $#.## $#.## $##,###.## $##.## $#.## Not Available Jun ##, ####, #:##:## PM #### USD credit 1



The Vanguard Group

️✔️ This driver will pull holdings info for all Vanguard accounts for the account holder, including general brokerage accounts


This is a Selenium driver that logs in using provided credentials, navigates #FA, navigates to the detail account info in the Downloads Center from the landing page.

Instead of scraping the user's account info from the page, this driver will navigate to the user's positions summary and download the accounts info provided by Vanguard using a folder of the user's choice

➖️ Driver has limited support for #FA (only supports mobile app touch authentication)

Example Usage


bank-scrape vanguard $LOGIN_USER $LOGIN_PASS

💡 The CLI backend handles the creation of a tmp directory in the user's home directory by default. The API doesn't have this functionality


from import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(
    username="{username}", password="{password}", tmp_dir="/tmp/"
for t in tables:

❗️NOTE tmp_dir MUST be empty for this function to work


Example Workflow
>>> # Example MFA workflow
>>> tables = get_accounts_info(username="{username}", password="{password}")
1: New
Verify with the app Click to verify with the Vanguard App
2: Verify with a code Click to verify with security code
Please select one: {user_choose_mfa_option}
Enter OTP Code: {user_enters_otp_code}
Example Automation JSON

1 is app verification.

2 is SMS.

  "otp_contact_option": 2,
  "otp_code_location": "/tmp/otp_codes"
OTP Code File Keyword


Example Result

Account Number account_type Investment Name Symbol Shares Share Price Total Value
######## deposit TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE INC TTWO ## ###.## ####.##
######## deposit PAYCOM SOFTWARE INC PAYC # ###.## ###.##





This is a Selenium driver that finds a property's Zestimate from a user-provided url suffix (the part after

Example Usage


bank-scrape zillow $URL_SUFFIX_FOR_PROPERTY

💡 The suffix of the Zillow URL (the part after 'homedetails'). Note that you only need to provide the part that ends with "zpid"

💡 For example, this is a valid suffix argument (provided # was replaced by actual digits): ########_zpid


from bank_scrapers.scrapers.zillow.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(suffix="########_zpid")
for t in tables:

Example Result

address zestimate symbol account_type usd_value
123 Apple Lane ###### USD real_estate 1

API Wrappers

These are wrappers written around API endpoints provided by providers and are generally purposed around making these processes of getting accounts info cohesive across this library.





This is an API wrapper for pulling Kraken account holdings based on Kraken's documentation.

The main purpose of this wrapper is to provide an even simpler interface for pulling account holdings and to align the data provided by Kraken with the rest of the financial data pulled by this package.

Example Usage


bank-scrape kraken $API_KEY $SECRET_KEY


from bank_scrapers.api_wrappers.kraken.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(
for t in tables:

Example Result

symbol quantity account_id account_type usd_value
ETHW #.##### #################/###################################### cryptocurrency #.#####
XETH #.##e-## #################/###################################### cryptocurrency #


This library also contains a few handy functions for pulling the value of a given crypto wallet for some popular tokens.

Bitcoin (BTC)




This is an API wrapper for pulling a Bitcoin wallet's holdings using the Bitcoin wallet's xpub or zpub.

Under the hood, this is just another Selenium-based scraper that uses Blockpath to do the dirty work of getting the wallet balance. Unfortunately, there isn't a publicly available, non-registration API available for doing this programmatically.

If your xpub changes after each transaction, and you want to pull the full wallet's BTC balance, convert the xpub used in the latest transaction to a zpub here and use that.

Example Usage


bank-scrape bitcoin $BITCOIN_ZPUB


from bank_scrapers.crypto.bitcoin.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(
for t in tables:

Example Result

zpub balance symbol account_type usd_value
zpub########################################################################################################### #.###### BTC cryptocurrency #####.#

Ethereum (ETH)




This is an API wrapper for pulling an Ethereum wallet's holdings using the Ethereum wallet's address.

Example Usage


bank-scrape ethereum $ETHEREUM_ADDRESS


from bank_scrapers.crypto.ethereum.driver import get_accounts_info

tables = get_accounts_info(
for t in tables:

Example Result

address balance symbol account_type usd_value
#x######################################## #.##### ETH cryptocurrency ####.##


The intended purpose of this code is purely academic in nature, and it IS NOT intended to be used for any real life production use, nefarious or otherwise.

Usage of this code is potentially against your bank's terms of service and could result in you or your IP getting flagged, listed, or blocked as bad actors. I don't take any responsibility for any effects this code may have on your bank accounts or your relationships with your banking institutions.

Please don't try to learn anything about me or my life based on the banks that I've arbitrarily decided to write drivers for.