
Tile a bounding box into format suitable for use with Google Earth Engine.

pip install bboxtiler==0.1.0



This script takes a bounding rectangle, and creates tile bounding linear rings in the same units (e.g. degrees). This was designed with the Google Earth Engine API in mind, and the tile boundaries can be used to create polygon geometries.

Given a desired number of output tiles, this script will determine the size of each linear ring and the approximate number of them. Given a desired length of the tile sides, it will determine the final number of tiles (defaults to 10).

Results will be saved to a csv file with schema x_tile,y_tile,bbox if a filename is provided with the -f flag. Otherwise, results are printed to standard out.


sudo pip install bboxtiler


Python REPL:
from bbox_tiler import bbox

UPPER_LEFT = [99., 10.]
LOWER_RIGHT = [100., 9]

>>> bbox.mk_tile_bounding_points(UPPER_LEFT, LOWER_RIGHT, 4)
[[[99.0, 10.0], [99.0, 9.5], [99.5, 9.5], [99.5, 10.0], [99.0, 10.0]], 
 [[99.0, 9.5], [99.0, 9.0], [99.5, 9.0], [99.5, 9.5], [99.0, 9.5]], 
 [[99.5, 10.0], [99.5, 9.5], [100.0, 9.5], [100.0, 10.0], [99.5, 10.0]], 
 [[99.5, 9.5], [99.5, 9.0], [100.0, 9.0], [100.0, 9.5], [99.5, 9.5]]]

# include tile indices in output

>>> bbox.mk_tile_bounding_points(UPPER_LEFT, LOWER_RIGHT, 4, tile_idxs=True)
[[0, 0, [[99.0, 10.0], [99.0, 9.5], [99.5, 9.5], [99.5, 10.0], [99.0, 10.0]]], 
 [0, 1, [[99.0, 9.5], [99.0, 9.0], [99.5, 9.0], [99.5, 9.5], [99.0, 9.5]]], 
 [1, 0, [[99.5, 10.0], [99.5, 9.5], [100.0, 9.5], [100.0, 10.0], [99.5, 10.0]]], 
 [1, 1, [[99.5, 9.5], [99.5, 9.0], [100.0, 9.0], [100.0, 9.5], [99.5, 9.5]]]]
Command line:
$ python bbox_tiler/ -n 4 "99., 10." "100., 9."
[[99.0, 10.0], [99.0, 9.5], [99.5, 9.5], [99.5, 10.0], [99.0, 10.0]]
[[99.0, 9.5], [99.0, 9.0], [99.5, 9.0], [99.5, 9.5], [99.0, 9.5]]
[[99.5, 10.0], [99.5, 9.5], [100.0, 9.5], [100.0, 10.0], [99.5, 10.0]]
[[99.5, 9.5], [99.5, 9.0], [100.0, 9.0], [100.0, 9.5], [99.5, 9.5]]

# add tile indices

$ python bbox_tiler/ -n 4 "99., 10." "100., 9." -i
0   0   [[99.0, 10.0], [99.0, 9.5], [99.5, 9.5], [99.5, 10.0], [99.0, 10.0]]
0   1   [[99.0, 9.5], [99.0, 9.0], [99.5, 9.0], [99.5, 9.5], [99.0, 9.5]]
1   0   [[99.5, 10.0], [99.5, 9.5], [100.0, 9.5], [100.0, 10.0], [99.5, 10.0]]
1   1   [[99.5, 9.5], [99.5, 9.0], [100.0, 9.0], [100.0, 9.5], [99.5, 9.5]]

Command-line Syntax

python -h

usage: [-h] [-n tile-count] [-l TILE_EDGE_LENGTH] [-f output-file]
               upper-left lower-right

Generate tile bounding boxes.

positional arguments:
  upper-left            'x,y' string (comma separated) of upper-left corner of
                        bounding rectangle.
  lower-right           'x,y' string (comma separated) of lower-right corner
                        of bounding rectangle.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n tile-count, --tile_count tile-count
                        Approximate number of tiles to generate. Defaults to
  -l TILE_EDGE_LENGTH, --tile-edge-length TILE_EDGE_LENGTH
                        Length of tile edge, in the same units as upper-left
                        and upper-right arguments (e.g. degrees or meters)
  -f output-file, --output-file output-file
                        Output results to tab-separated file at this location.
  -i, --tile-idxs       Include tile indices in output.


python register
python sdist upload