
Tool to enable a more concise and thematically structured creation of mods for Crusader Kings 2

pip install benedek==0.1.0


Suvorov: Expanded scripting language for CK2

Suvorov allows you to write CK2 modifications in a more concise and organized fashion, grouping features together according to your own file structure instead of splitting each individual feature up over a multitude of folders. For example, if you have an event that fires on a specific action and adds a character modifier, you can group the on_action, the event and the modifier together in the same file. If you add a new province, you can define its history, titles, holder character etc in the same file. If you create a trait that unlocks an associated targetted decision as well as a maintenance event to fire for all trait holders, there is no need to pollute three different subfolders. This way, mods are more maintainable and adding or removing features doesn't mean you have to go through several different files.


Install with pip install suvorov. Make sure to use pip3 if Python 3 isn't your default version.

You can now create new mods in the folder suvorovmods in your CK2 user directory.

Mod structure

In a suvorov mod, you can add any files according to the vanilla structure (e.g. gfx, interface, common) in the pdx subfolder. For new, suvorov-style files, you can follow any folder structure you like (except the pdx folder of course). So your mod could look like this:

├ pdx
| ├ gfx
| | └ trait.png
| └ localisation
|   └ texts.csv
├ crusade_changes
|  ├ crusade_start.txt
|  └ crusade_end.txt
├ various.txt
└ modinfo.yml

These new files with the ending .txt or .suv accept a syntax like vanilla files, only with an enclosing scope defining their type, e.g.:

events = {
	namespace = mymod
	character_event = {
		id = mymod.1
		is_triggered_only = yes
		option = {
			name = mymod.eventoption.1
			add_trait = patient
			remove_trait = cynical
			remove_trait = arbitrary

on_actions = {
	on_crusade_preparation_starts = {
		events = {

In case of .suv files, you can also use some basic templating:

events = {
	namespace = mymod
	character_event = {
		id = mymod.2
		is_triggered_only = yes
		@forin = {
			@for = choice
			@in = choices
			option = {
				name = $
				$choice.attribute = 2

The data source for these can be defined over any number of .yaml files in your mod under the top key data.

Specify your mod metadata (name, picture, esc.) in modinfo.yml in the root of your folder directory. Then simply call the command suvorov build (modfoldername) to prepare the mod so that CK2 can read it. Call suvorov build without any arguments to build all your mods.