BagelDB is a Python library for interacting with the BagelDB API.

pip install betabageldb==0.1.8


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Bagel Developer Documentation 🥯

Welcome to the Bagel client hub. Here, the future of decentralized machine learning unfolds.

Our mission is to empower teams, regardless of their resources, to develop AI models and applications. We envision a landscape where every developer has the tools to challenge the dominance of established tech giants. Together, we are paving the way to democratize AI technology.

Bagel, akin to a peer-to-peer HuggingFace, serves as the foundational infrastructure for the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence from the open-source community.

We have developed two main clients to facilitate your projects: JavaScript and Python. Explore our litepaper for a comprehensive understanding of what Bagel offers.

What's Inside? 🥯

This repository equips you with tools designed to streamline your interaction with the Bagel API. These tools manage HTTP requests and API responses efficiently, allowing you to concentrate on what you do best—creating remarkable applications.

Directory Breakdown 🥯

  • JavaScript Client: Contains the JavaScript client, complete with instructions, examples, and tests to ensure optimal functionality.

  • Python Client: Hosts the Python client, complete with comprehensive guidance on usage, sample code, and tests to guarantee performance.

Ready to Roll? 🥯

Begin by visiting either the JavaScript or Python client directory. The READMEs there will guide you through the setup process step by step. Pay attention to dependencies and environment variables, as they are crucial for successful deployment.

Want to contribute? 🥯

We highly value community contributions to improve our JavaScript and Python clients. If you have ideas for enhancements or have identified bugs, we encourage you to actively participate in our project. Here’s how you can contribute:

  1. Understand Our Contribution Process: Familiarize yourself with our contribution process outlined below.

  2. Check Open Issues or Open a New One: Look through the existing issues to see if one aligns with your idea or bug, or open a new issue to discuss potential changes.

  3. Fork and Clone the Repository: Make a fork of the repository, clone it locally, and create a new branch for your work.

  4. Make Your Changes: Implement your idea or fix, adhering to the coding standards outlined in our guidelines.

  5. Write Tests: Ensure your changes are accompanied by new or updated tests to maintain the quality and functionality of the clients.

  6. Submit a Pull Request: Push your changes to your fork and submit a pull request to our main branch. Provide a clear description of the changes and reference any relevant issues.

  7. Code Review: Wait for a review from the maintainers. Be open to feedback and make any necessary adjustments.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Code Style: Follow the existing code style in the project. Use meaningful variable names and comments.
  • Commit Messages: Write clear, concise commit messages describing the changes made.
  • Testing: Add unit tests for new features and ensure that all tests pass before submitting a pull request.
  • Documentation: Update the documentation to reflect your changes or additions.

Your contributions are crucial to our collective success and help ensure that our tools remain cutting-edge and effective for developers worldwide.

The Fine Print 🥯

All code is protected under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For more detailed information, refer to the LICENSE.txt in the repository's root.

Need Help? 🥯

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please submit an issue in this repository. We are committed to providing support and will respond promptly.

Here's to pioneering the future of coding and AI with Bagel! 🥯