
Tools for the BGG complex

sagemath, mathematics, flag-varieties, representation-theory, algebra
pip install bggcohomology==1.6.1



This is an implementation of a computer algorithm to compute the BGG resolution and its cohomology of a Verma module.

You can find the documentation for this package right here:


After installing sage run the following command:

    sage -pip install bggcohomology

In MacOS and linux this should run just fine. When using Windows, make sure to run this command from the Sagemath Shell (or properly add sage to PATH).

To install the latest version directly from GitHub, run:

    sage -pip install git+

Note that this version may be less stable.

To open the .ipynb files in the computations and examples folders, you need to first of all clone this repository. Then you can either launch Sagemath Notebook application if installed, or run the following in the command line:

    sage -n


There are several tutorials of how to use this module in the examples directory. These same tutorials can also be found in the docs. Furthermore the computations directory contains notebooks and scripts with the code we used for the results in our preprint, and upcoming preprint.


All the code has been written by Rik Voorhaar. Additional credit goes to Nicolas Hemelsoet for many aspects of the algorithm implemented here. This work has been partially financially supported by NCCR SwissMAP.

This software is free to use and edit. When using this software for academic purposes, please cite the following preprint: