
protect and speed up python source code

pip install bin-maker==3.1.0



Bin-Maker only suppory Python3

bin-maker is a Python compile tools,which can help us protect and speed up python code

Benefits of using Bin-Maker

  • cythonize source code:protect python source code.on windows,bin-maker will compile code to .pyd, on linux,bin-maker will compile code to .so
  • Get performance improvement: be able to improve the performance of Python code without any code level optimization

Quick Start

pip3 install bin-maker

Compile Source Coude

bin-maker-build build_ext

when compile finish,will generate .so or .pyd file in ./build/lib*

Release Application


when code build finish,we can use bin-maker-release to release our application,source code will be remove and copy the .so or .pyd file to source code path,only use in production enviremont

Package with PyInstaller



When there are custom parameters, you can create a new configuration file in the project root directory


  "exclude_modules": [],
  "exclude_files": [],
  "with_scikit": "false",
  "with_statics_model": "false"
Name Description
exclude_modules Modules not involved in compilation
exclude_files Files not involved in compilation (regular expressions)
with_scikit Is sklearn's package implicitly imported when pyinstaller is packaged
with_statics_model Whether to import statics package implicitly when pyinstaller is packaged

Performance comparison

import time

def run():
    time_start = time.time()
    import sys

    def make_tree(depth):
        if not depth: return None, None
        depth -= 1
        return make_tree(depth), make_tree(depth)

    def check_tree(node):
        (left, right) = node
        if not left: return 1
        return 1 + check_tree(left) + check_tree(right)

    min_depth = 4
    max_depth = max(min_depth + 2, 17)
    stretch_depth = max_depth + 1

    print("stretch tree of depth %d\t check:" %
          stretch_depth, check_tree(make_tree(stretch_depth)))

    long_lived_tree = make_tree(max_depth)

    iterations = 2 ** max_depth

    for depth in range(min_depth, stretch_depth, 2):

        check = 0
        for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
            check += check_tree(make_tree(depth))

        print("%d\t trees of depth %d\t check:" % (iterations, depth), check)
        iterations //= 4

    print("long lived tree of depth %d\t check:" %
          max_depth, check_tree(long_lived_tree))

    time_end = time.time()
    print('time cost', time_end - time_start, 's')

Pure Python

stretch tree of depth 18	 check: 524287
131072	 trees of depth 4	 check: 4063232
32768	 trees of depth 6	 check: 4161536
8192	 trees of depth 8	 check: 4186112
2048	 trees of depth 10	 check: 4192256
512	 trees of depth 12	 check: 4193792
128	 trees of depth 14	 check: 4194176
32	 trees of depth 16	 check: 4194272
long lived tree of depth 17	 check: 262143
time cost 11.279994249343872 s

Compile after Bin-Maker

stretch tree of depth 18	 check: 524287
131072	 trees of depth 4	 check: 4063232
32768	 trees of depth 6	 check: 4161536
8192	 trees of depth 8	 check: 4186112
2048	 trees of depth 10	 check: 4192256
512	 trees of depth 12	 check: 4193792
128	 trees of depth 14	 check: 4194176
32	 trees of depth 16	 check: 4194272
long lived tree of depth 17	 check: 262143
time cost 1.9600331783294678 s

After compilation, the performance is improved nearly 6 times