
Rapidly generate periodic lightcurves of accreting binaries

pip install binlite==1.0.0



binlite is a Python package for rapidly generating accretion templates and inferred flux timeseries from eccentric binaries


accretion : generate periodic templates of accretion onto the 'primary', 'secondary', or 'total' of an eccentric binary
flux : calculate periodic flux templates associated with a periodic accretion template

Intended Use

Users can generate a periodic accretion template in two separate ways:

  1. Generate an instance of an AccretionSeries object and access the data via the associated time, primary, secondary, and total attributes; e.g.

    import binlite as blt  
    ts = blt.AccretionSeries(0.3, n_orbits=5, n_modes=29)  
    orbits = ts.time  
    mdot_primary = ts.primary  
    mdot_secondary = ts.secondary  
    mdot_total =  
  2. Directly call the functions accretion.primary, accretion.secondary,, accretion.orbits with the same signature as AccretionSeries objects (will generate an AccretionSeries object as an intermediary); e.g.

    from binlite.accretion import orbits, primary, secondary, total  
    orbits = orbits(0.5, n_orbits=5, n_modes=29, retrograde=True)  
    mdot_primary = primary(0.5, n_orbits=5, n_modes=29, retrograde=True)  
    mdot_secondary = secondary(0.5, n_orbits=5, n_modes=29, retrograde=True)  
    mdot_total = total(0.5, n_orbits=5, n_modes=29, retrograde=True)  

Similarly, users have acces to two means of creating an associated flux timeseries, all of which first require the creation of an AccretionSeries object off which to compute the flux variability:

  1. Directly call the functions periodic_flux_series and normalized_flux_series for a flux series or normalized against the total average flux, respectively. These functions require the user to supply the observing frequency in hertz, an AccretionSeries object, the orbital period of the binary in years, the total mass of the binary in solar-masses, and the luminosity distance to the binary in parsec. They also optionally accept specifications for the accretion eddington fraction, accretion efficiency, observer inclination angle in degrees, as well as the inner and outer edges of both the minidisks and the outer-disk for the integration fothe blackbody spectra; e.g.

    from binlite import AccretionSeries
    from binlite.flux import periodic_flux_series, normalized_flux_series
    acc = AccretionSeries(0.4)
    fnu_series = periodic_flux_series(frequency, acc, period_yr, total_mass_msun, luminosity_distance_pc, eddington_ratio=0.1)
    fnu_normal = normalized_flux_series(frequency, acc, period_yr, total_mass_msun, luminosity_distance_pc, eddington_ratio=0.1)

    The time routine is for plotting and generates an array of observation times in years from the associated AccretionSeries object and the binary orbital period

    import binlite as blt
    time = blt.flux.time(accretion_series, period_yr)
  2. The above routines, as an intermediary, generate an instance of a BinaryAlphaDisk object which contains all the information about the system eccentricity, period, mass, distance, accretion rate, efficiency and disk sizes. If preferred, one can themselves generate a BinaryAlphaDisk object and calculate flux series from this and an associated AccretionSeries object via the periodic_flux_series_from_bad, normalized_flux_series_from_bad, and time_from_bad functions; e.g.

    import binlite as blt
    acc = blt.AccretionSeries(eccentricity)
    bad = blt.BinaryAlphaDisk(acc.ecc, period_yr, total_mass_msun, luminosity_distance_pc, accretion_efficiency=0.01)
    time = blt.flux.time_from_bad(acc, bad)
    fnu_series = blt.flux.periodic_flux_series_from_bad(frequency, acc, bad)
    fnu_normal = blt.flux.normalized_flux_series_from_bad(frequency, acc, bad)

The flux module also contains a convenience function magnitude_from_flux which converts a flux timeseries into a timeseries of apparent magnitudes. The function takes as input any flux series at some frequency and the associated zero-point flux for that observing band: blt.flux.magnitude_from_flux(fnu_series, zero_point_flux)

The calculations for generating flux timeseries assume that the outer-disk and each minidisk are described by independent Shakura-Sunyaev alpha-disk solutions. See the associated paper D'Orazio, Duffell & Tiede (2024) for more detail.

Each module can also be run directly by running python -m binlite.accretion or python -m binlite.flux. For each module this will run a small example script (that additionally requires a matplotlib installation; not specified as a dependency). The accretion example will generate figures like Figs. 2, 3 & 4 in D'Orazio, Duffell & Tiede (2024), and the flux example will create figures like Fig. 7 (without the lensed or boosted components).