Antigen Receptor Classifier

pip install bio-arc==0.1.1


ARC (Antigen Receptor Classifier)

Authors: Austin Crinklaw, Swapnil Mahajan


  • Linux OS
  • HMMER3
  • NCBI Blast+
  • Python 3+
    • Python packages: Pandas, BioPython


We provide a Dockerfile for ease of use.

ARC can also be downloaded through PyPI using the following pip command.

pip install bio-arc



  • A fasta format file with one or more protein sequences.
>1WBZ_A_alpha I H2-Kb
>1WBZ_B_b2m I H2-Kb


  • Using Fasta file as an input:
python -m ARC classify -i /path/to/input.fasta -o /path/to/output.csv


  • Output file has 4 columns in CSV format.
  • First column named 'ID' is the description provoded in the fasta for each sequence.
  • Second column named 'class' is the assigned molecule class for each sequence.
    • e.g. MHC-I, MHC-II, BCR or TCR.
  • The third column named 'chain_type' is the assigned chain type for each sequence.
    • e.g. alpha, beta, heavy, lambda, kappa, scFv, TscFv or construct. These will also be labelled as V for variable domain or C for constant domain.
  • The fourth column named 'calc_mhc_allele' is the MHC allele identified using groove domain similarity to MRO alleles.
ID class chain_type calc_mhc_allele
1WBY_A_alpha I H2-Db MHC-I alpha V
1WBY_B_b2m I H2-Db
1HQR_A_alpha II HLA-DRA01:01/DRB501:01 MHC-II alpha C HLA-DRA*01:01
1HQR_B_beta II HLA-DRA01:01/DRB501:01 MHC-II beta C HLA-DRB5*01:01
2CMR_H_heavy BCR heavy V
2CMR_L_light BCR kappa C
4RFO_L_light BCR lambda V
3UZE_A_heavy BCR scFv
1FYT_D_alpha TCR alpha V
1FYT_E_beta TCR beta C
3TF7_C_alpha TCR TscFv

How it works:

  • BCR and TCR chains are identified using HMMs. A given protein sequence is searched against HMMs built using BCR and TCR chain sequences from IMGT. HMMER is used to align an input sequence to the HMMs.
  • MHC class I (alpha1-alpha2 domains) and MHC class I alpha and beta chain HMMs are downloaded from Pfam website. An input protein sequence is searched against these HMMs. A HMMER bit score threshold of 25 was used to identify MHC chain sequences. -To identify MHC alleles, MRO repository is downloaded every time the script is run. Groove domains (G-domains) are assigned to new MRO allles and stored in a CSV file. If this file does not exist then G-domains are assigned to all the MRO alleles (which may slow down the script).


Several methods for HMMER result parsing were sourced from ANARCI.

Dunbar J and Deane CM. ANARCI: Antigen receptor numbering and receptor classification. Bioinformatics (2016)