
An assortment of analysis libraries.

pip install bix-analysis-libraries==0.1.1


Analysis Libraries

python -m pip install bix-analysis-libraries

An assortment of analysis libraries.


There are two components of the libraries divided by experiment type. Each component has a data prep module to prepare the data from different software into a canonical form. The prepared data can then be analyzed with the analysis modules (to be added).


To import the modules use the form

from bix_analysis_libraries[.<component>] import <module>
# or
import bix_analysis_libraries[.<component>].<module>

where <component> is the name of the component (if needed) and <module> is the name of the module. Any modules in the Standard Component do not require a component name, while modules in all other components do.


from bix_analysis_libraries import bix_standard_functions as bsf
# or
import bix_analysis_libraries.bix_standard_functions as bsf
from bix_analysis_libraries.dark_bias import bix_dark_bias_data_prep as dbdp
# or
import bix_analysis_libraries.dark_bias.bix_dark_bias_data_prep as dbdp

Standard Component

No component requried

Contains standard functions.

Bix Standard Functions

Provides standard functions.

Dark Bias component

Component name: dark_bias

Contains data prep for Dark Bias experiments.

Bix Dark Bias Data Prep

Module name: bix_dark_bias_data_prep

Data prep for MPP tracking and JV data obtained using the Easy Biologic library.

Temperature Degradation component

Component name: temperature_degradation

Contains data prep for Temperature Degradation experiments.

Temperature Degradation Data Prep

Module name: temperature_degradation_data_prep

Data prep for MPP tracking and JV data.