
Find the unique indices for a ton of datasets

pip install blizzard==0.0.3


Searching spreadsheets
When we search for ordinary written documents, we send words into a search
engine and get pages of words back.

What if we could search for spreadsheets
by sending spreadsheets into a search engine and getting spreadsheets back?
The order of the results would be determined by various specialized statistics;
just as we use PageRank to find relevant hypertext documents, we can develop
other statistics that help us find relevant spreadsheets.

Data tables
I think a lot about rows and columns. When we define tables in relational
databases, we can say reasonably well what each column means, based on
names and types, and what a row means, based on unique indices.
In spreadsheets, we still have column names, but we don't get everything

I define a data table as a document that describes a collection of
similar things, with similar information about each thing
When we represent a data table in a grid, each row is an observation
(a thing), and each column is a variable.
Blizzard uses this table structure to find connections between arbitrary
data tables.

Unique indices
I define a unique index as a column in a datatable, or combination of columns,
for which each row has a different value.

The unique indices tell us quite a lot; they give us an idea about the
observational unit of the table and what other tables we can nicely
join or union with that table. So I made a package that finds unique
indices in ordinary CSV files. ::

    pip3 install special_snowflake

It's called "special snowflake", but it needs a better name.

If we pass the iris dataset to it, ::


we get no unique keys ::

    >>> special_snowflake.fromcsv(open('iris.csv'))                                                                  

because no combination of columns uniquely identifies the rows.
Of course, if we add an identifier column, ::


that one gets returned. ::

    >>> special_snowflake.fromcsv(open('iris.csv'))                                                                  

For a more interesting example, let's look at chickweight.


I could read the documentation on this dataset and tell you
what its statistical unit is (`?ChickWeight` in R), or I could
just let `special_snowflake` figure it out for me.

    >>> special_snowflake.fromcsv(open('chick.csv'))
    {('Time', 'Chick')}

The statistical unit is chicks in time. That is, something was
observed across multiple chick, and multiple observations were
taken from each (well, at least one) chick.

Some spreadsheets are have less obvious identifiers. In this
table of 1219 rows and 33 columns,

    >>> from urllib.request import urlopen
    >>> url = ''
    >>> fp = urlopen(url)
    >>> special_snowflake.fromcsv(fp, delimiter = ';')
    {('adresse', 'code_postal'),
     ('adresse', 'localite'),

we find five functional unique keys. Just by looking at the column names,
I'm gussing that the first two are combinations of parts of the postal address
and that the latter three look are formal identifiers.
And when I do things correctly and look at the
`data dictionary <>`_,
I come to the same interpretation.

This tells me that this dataset is about postal service locations,
with one location per row. It also gives me some ideas as to things that can
act as unique identifiers for postal service locations.

It's kind of cool to run this on individual spreadsheets, but it's even cooler
to run this on lots of spreadsheets.
In blizzard, I find spreadsheets with
the same unique indices, and then I look for overlap between those spreadsheets.
Spreadsheets with high overlap might be good to join to each other, and
spreadsheets with low overlap might be good to union with each other.

All of this is quite crude at the moment, so I'm somewhat surprised that
anything interesting comes out.