
OS level integration of bot technology,

pip install botlib==0.0.0



BOTLIB - The Python3 bot Namespace


BOTLIB is a library providing the python3 bot namespace package.

The bot package provides an Object class, that allows for save/load to/from json files on disk. Objects can be searched with database functions and uses read-only files to improve persistence and a type in filename for reconstruction. Methods are factored out into functions to have a clean namespace to read JSON data into.

BOTLIB stores it's data on disk where objects are time versioned and the last version saved on disk is served to the user layer. Files are JSON dumps that are read-only so thus should provide (disk) persistence more chance. Paths carry the type in the path name what makes reconstruction from filename easier then reading type from the object.


install with pip or download from

python3 -m pip install botlib


basic usage is this:

>>> import bot
>>> o = bot.Object()
>>> o.key = "value"
>>> o.key
>>> 'value'

Objects try to mimic a dictionary while trying to be an object with normal attribute access as well. hidden methods are provided, the methods are factored out into functions like get, items, keys, register, set, update and values.

load/save from/to disk:

>>> from bot import Object, load, save
>>> o = Object()
>>> o.key = "value"
>>> p = save(o)
>>> obj = Object()
>>> load(obj, p)
>>> obj.key
>>> 'value'

great for giving objects peristence by having their state stored in files:

>>> from bot import Object, save
>>> o = Object()
>>> save(o)


Bart Thate


BOTLIB is placed in the Public Domain.