
Plugin to use the Stone IDL with Bottle.

pip install bottle-stone==0.1.0


Bottle-Stone Plugin

This plugin makes it easy to use the Stone Interface Description Language with the Bottle Web Framework.

Arguments and results to routes are encoded as JSON in the HTTP body.


pip install bottle-stone

Register Plugin

import bottle
import bottle_stone

GEN_PKG_PATH is the Python (sub-)package that contains the output of an invocation of the Stone "python_types" generator.

$ stone python_types GEN_PKG_PATH [spec [spec ...]]

Note that the output of python_types isn't a package because it does not generate an file. You'll have to do so manually:

$ touch GEN_PKG_PATH/


The name specified in your route decorator must conform to a specific format:

@route(ROUTE_PATH, name='{namespace}.{route_name}')

Here's an example where a namespace articles is defined in Stone with a route called list:

@route('/1/articles/list', name='articles.list')
def articles_list(arg):
    return ListResult(...)  # this must be imported from GEN_PKG_PATH

arg will be a Stone-generated Python object representing the argument to the route. The route handler will need to return the Stone-generated Python object that is the result of the route. Return None if the result data type is Void.

To return an error, you'll need to raise an ApiError exception:

from bottle_stone import ApiError

@route('/1/articles/list', name='articles.list')
def articles_list(arg):
    raise ApiError(ListError(...))

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP requests whose bodies do not conform to the Stone specification are rejected with a 400 Bad Request error. When an ApiError is raised, the HTTP response code is by default 418 I'm a teapot, but it can be changed to an arbitrary status code via the http_error_status_code argument to BottleStonePlugin.