
Just a nice little brainfuck interpreter in Python.

brainfuck, interpreter, brainfuck-fuck
pip install brainfuck-fuck==2020.5.11



Just a nice little brainfuck interpreter in Python.

Nope! This is brainfuck-fuck. You know there's C, then C+, then C++? Well, there's brainfuck, and now there's brainfuck-fuck. Brainfuck-fuck is supposedly backwards compatible. So therefore this:

+++++++ [ > ++++++++++ < - ] > ++ . [-]<[-] ++++++++++ [ > ++++++++++ < - ] > +++++ .

does exactly the same thing as this:


besides the fact that the first one uses two cells while the second uses one.

A full list of additions:

  • The = command. This sets the current cell's value to the ASCII value of the character after the =. Therefore =H sets the cell to 72 (the ASCII value of H).
  • An if/else statement! The syntax is ? (code) : (code) !. When a ? is reached, it checks the current cell. If the current cell is 0, it skips to the corresponding :. Otherwise, it continues on until the :, then skips to the !. Thus + ? =Y : =N ! . prints out "Y" while ? =Y : =N ! . prints out "N".
  • Functions! To define a function, use (@ symbol)(single ASCII character)(code)(pipe, |), e.g. @F+++++| (which simply adds 5). To call a function, use a caret (^) and then the ASCII character used to name the function, e.g. ^F (which calls the previously defined function F, thereby adding 5).