Break The Code board game helper script
This script lists all the possible solutions to break the code, according to provided constraints.
Easy: pip install breakthecode
usage: breakthecode [-h] [--remove DC] [--sum T[,I[,L[,C]]]] [--position N,I] [--odd O] [--even E] [--black B] [--white W] [--diff D] [--digit I<=>V] [--pairs P]
BreakTheCode board game helper
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--remove DC, -r DC number that can't be part of the solution (e.g. 0b, 6w, 5)
--sum T[,I[,L[,C]]], -s T[,I[,L[,C]]]
add a sum constraint (T=total, I=start, L=length, C=color)
--position N,I, -p N,I
add a position constraint (N=number, I=position)
--odd O, -o O add an odd numbers count constraint
--even E, -e E add an even numbers count constraint
--black B, -b B add a black numbers count constraint
--white W, -w W add a white numbers count constraint
--diff D, -d D add a max-min diff constraint
--digit I<=>V, -D I<=>V
add a digit comparison constraint (I=index, V=value)
--pairs P, -P P add a pairs count contraint