
Basic Socket Protocol

pip install bsp==1.0.1


Basic Socket Protocol

This is a Python3 version of the original BSP protocol distributed in JavaScript, for more detail of the protocol and supported data types, view it on GitHub: bsp.

The Node.js BSP was introduced, in the first place, to solve the problem that when transporting data over sockets in Node.js, the under-hood algorithm will automatically split the data into segments or stick multiple data into one piece, trying to optimize the network usage. Which however causes many pains and mistakes when transferring the data.

The purpose of BSP is two encode the data, and no matter how it may be sticked or splitted during the transmission, the remote end can still be able to decode it as-is when receiving it or them in a stream. And more over, allow the transport of arbitrary data, instead of only string or binary.

The Python version of BSP, is meant to allow transmitting data between Python and Node.js/Browser, and any other environments that has BSP implemented.


# Encodes any number of data into one chunk of bytearray.
def encode(*data) -> bytearray:

# Decodes the input buffer and returns only the first item of the result.
def decode(buf: bytearray) -> any:

# Continuously decodes input buffers and yields any decoded data during the
# process.
def decode(buf: bytearray, temp: list) -> iter:


import bsp

# encode and decode string
buf = bsp.encode("Hello, World!")
res = bsp.decode(buf) # Hello, World!

# encode and decode number
buf = bsp.encode(12345)
res = bsp.decode(buf) # 12345

# encode and decode boolean and None
buf = bsp.encode(True)
res = bsp.decode(buf) # True
buf = bsp.encode(False)
res = bsp.decode(buf) # False
buf = bsp.encode(None)
res = bsp.decode(buf) # None

# encode and decode dict
buf = bsp.encode({ "foo": "bar" })
res = bsp.decode(buf) # { "foo": "bar" }

# encode and decode list
buf = bsp.encode(["foo", "bar"])
res = bsp.decode(buf) # ["foo", "bar"]

# encode and decode binary
buf = bsp.encode(bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
res = bsp.decode(buf) # bytearray(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05')

# encode and decode multiple data at once
buf = bsp.encode(
    "Hello, World!",
    { "foo": "bar" },
    ["foo", "bar"],
    bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# temp=[None]*3 must be provided in this case
for item in bsp.decode(buf, [None]*3):
    print(item) # will print the data accordingly

# Encode a large file and split it into chunks, then decode the chunks as a
# stream.
file = open("test.bin", "rb")
src = bytearray( # returns bytes, must cast to bytearray
buf = bsp.encode(src)
segments = []
temp = [None]*3 # use a temp outside the stream processor to keep imcomplete data

# Split the file into several segments, each contians 64kb data of maximum length
for i in range(0, len(buf), 65535):

# simulate a stream of segments
for segment in segments:
    for item in bsp.decode(segment, temp):
        print(item) # only run once in this case and print the only input (src)

bytes vs. bytearray

As being addressed above, when reading binary from a file, returns type of bytes, and even more pratically, it's more easy for a person to create a bytes instance than creating a bytearray, just use the b prefix for string.

However, this type will not be compatibal with the original Node.js BSP, and it's hard to determine whether it should be encoded as string or as binary. So, for more rational concerns, this package does not support bytes straight forward, a user must be explictly cast it to either a string or a bytearray according to what he needs.

For more detail about BSP, see bsp.