
Bias Tests for Voice Technologies

bias, evaluation, speaker-verification, test
pip install bt4vt==1.0.1


Bias Tests for Voice Technologies (bt4vt)

About this package

bt4vt is a python library to diagnose performance discrepancies (i.e. bias) in speaker verification models. The library provides evaluation measures and visualisations to interrogate model performance and can be integrated into development pipelines to test for bias. We plan to extend the library to other speech processing tasks in future. Speak to us if you're interested to help.

Read the docs

The development of this open source library is part of the Fair EVA project and has been supported by the Mozilla Technology Fund.

Setup instructions

You need python 3 to use this library. The easiest way to use the library is to install it with pip.

$ pip install bt4vt

To use the library in development mode, install it as follows:

  1. Clone this repository from github and navigate to the project's root directory (bt4vt\)

    $ git clone
  2. Install the project.

    $ pip install -e .


Below is an example for using bt4vt. All necessary files can be copied by using copy_example(). The example evaluates the fairness of models released with the Clova AI VoxCeleb Trainer.

Run Bias Tests for Speaker Verification

1. Copy example resources

All files that are necessary to reproduce the example can be copied to a folder of your choice. Here, we copy the resources to ~/bias_tests_4_voice_tech/example/.

    import bt4vt


1. Create config file

A template for the config.yaml file is now provided in the ~/bias_tests_4_voice_tech/example/ folder. If you copied the files to a different folder you need to adjust the path to the speaker_metadata_file and results_dir.

    speaker_metadata_file: "~/bias_tests_4_voice_tech/example/vox1_meta.csv"
    results_dir: "~/bias_tests_4_voice_tech/results/"

    # for metadata
    id_column: "VoxCeleb1 ID"
    select_columns: ["Gender", "Nationality"]
    speaker_groups: [["Gender"], ["Nationality"], ["Gender", "Nationality"]]

    # for scores
    reference_filepath_column: "ref_file"
    test_filepath_column: "com_file"
    label_column: "lab"
    scores_column: "sc"

    # for dataset evaluation
    dataset_evaluation: True

    # for run_tests
    dcf_costs: [[0.05, 1, 1]]

2. Run the bias tests

Import bt4vt and specify your score and config file. Pass the score and config file path to the SpeakerBiastTest class and run the run_tests() function.

score_file = "~/bias_tests_4_voice_tech/example/resnetse34v2_H-eval_scores.csv"
config_file = "~/bias_tests_4_voice_tech/example/config.yaml"

test = bt4vt.core.SpeakerBiasTest(score_file, config_file)


Test results will be stored in ~/bias_tests_4_voice_tech/results. The results file contains metrics ratios for the metrics and speaker groups specified in the config file.

The metrics ratio is calculated as speaker group metric / average metric.

Under Development

The project is under continuous development and we appreciate contributions! Planned enhancements include:

  • advanced plotting of test results
  • implementation of further metrics and fairness measures
  • inclusive evaluation dataset generators

If you'd like to get involved, have a look at:


An early versions of this library was developed as part of the following research:

Wiebke Toussaint Hutiri and Aaron Yi Ding. 2022. Bias in Automated Speaker Recognition. In 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 230–247.


This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this source code. If not, go the following link: