
Helper CLI for installing packages and setting up Linux components

pip install btw-i-use-arch==0.2.0


BTW I Use Arch

Documentation Status Updates

Helper menu-driven CLI for installing packages and setting up Linux components on an Arch-based system. If performing a clean install - ALWAYS RUN PACMAN SYSTEM UPDATES FIRST! Disclaimer: I have built precisely one Arch system and spend the majority of my time using Manjaro KDE, which suits my needs nicely. I like Arch! But I think I might actually prefer Manjaro. This package works equally well for either distro.


  • Menu-driven (uses simple-term-menu)
  • Update components and perform setup tasks more simply

Notes for specific packages:

Spelling check packages

aspell hunspell-en_US hspell libviokko

DB Drivers for GNUCash

libdbi libdbi-drivers

Packages required to enable gestures for touchpad

xdotool xf86-input-synaptics libinput-gestures

KDE-Specific Widget for setting up like Mac-like dock


KDE-Specific Widget - Configures Title bar in Global Menu


Post-installation Tasks:

Set up latte dock and widgets

If going for the dock / top menu bar look, search the apps menu for dock and add it. Drag the menu bar from the bottom to the top and add the global menu, active window control, and a spacer (L-to-R). Edit the settings of active window control so it shows the Minimize and Maximize buttons. Run this to remove the top title bar when windows are maximized: kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group Windows --key BorderlessMaximizedWindows true qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure Reference for removing title bar

initialize postgres:

restore database dumps manually


psql -U justin -d gnucash-kff -f ./Desktop/dumpfile

set up cron jobs, e.g. [./dev/pg-db-backup/]

Mounting an NFS Share

Substitute the relevant server and local share directory as necessary. Optionally backup /etc/fstab

sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_bkp

and add the following line: /home/justin/nfs_share nfs _netdev 0 0

Restoring a user profile

Navigate to user directory and run:

tar xzvf /backup/location/mybackup.tar.gz

Setting up .pypirc file

Use template provided and plug in keys from gitlab and pypi, place in home directory for easy deployments

Accessing USB Devices / Microcontrollers without sudo:

Find the device: sudo dmesg | grep tty Find the Group ID by running this command: (change tty device accordingly) stat /dev/ttyUSB0 Add your Linux user to the gid determined in the previous command ("uucp" in this case) sudo gpasswd -a $USER uucp

Issues I've encountered + Fixes

Issue Fix
Blocky, weird looking text rendered in PDFs and Webpages epifonts was causing a conflict with Helvetica (yay -R epifonts)
Spotify Problem importing key Run this: curl -sS | gpg --import - and choose No when yay asks to import key during installation
Slow Wi-Fi - set iwd as Wi-Fi Backend


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template. It also utilizes simple-term-menu by IngoMeyer441.