
Bundler is a tool for collecting all modules used by a Python package.

pip install bundler==0.1.0


Python Bundler

Bundler is a tool for collecting all modules used by a Python package and placing them in one common directory. Its aim is to follow into cx_Freeze's footsteps and to offer a simpler (if not as elaborate) solution to PyInstaller.


  1. Place all Python modules in one common directory
  2. Option to bytecompile all modules
  3. Skip modules imported but commonly unused by the Python standard library (for example pdb import pydoc which in turn imports the whole email package, however in 99% of the cases we can skip the pydoc package when it is imported from pdb)
  4. Ability to create a standalone application with Python interpreter binaries
  5. Ability to create a single executable from the bundled application

Copyright © 2018 Niklas Rosenstein