
An unofficial Python package 🐍📦 to interface with CAEN high voltage power supplies

caen, high-voltage, iseg, power-supply, pyserial, python, serial-communication
pip install caenhv==0.0.1



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🤔 What is this?

This is a Python package for controlling high voltage power supplies (HVPS) over serial port. The aim is to provide a unified pythonic interface for different HVPS models.

Along with the Python package, a minimal set of bindings for Node.js is also provided. A nodered node is also available. They both rely on the Python package to be installed in order to work.

Currently only CAEN and iseg brands are supported.

⚙️ Installation

Installation via pip is supported. To install the latest published version, run:

pip install hvps

To install the package from source, including development dependencies, clone the repository and run:

pip install .[dev]

👨‍💻 Usage

There is a hierarchy of objects that represent the HVPS and its components:

  • HVPS: represents the HVPS itself and handles the connection to the serial port
  • Module: represents a module of the HVPS. Some HVPS support multiple modules over the same connection
  • Channel: represents a channel of the HVPS


from hvps import Caen, Iseg
import logging

# connection interface is common to all HVPS
# if no serial port is specified, the first available port will be used
# if no baudrate is specified, the default baudrate will be used
# if connect=False, the connection will not be established (useful for testing)
# if logging_level is specified, the logger will be configured accordingly
hvps = Caen(port="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200, connect=True, logging_level=logging.DEBUG)

# connection settings can be accessed
print(f"port: {hvps.port}")
print(f"baudrate: {hvps.baudrate}")


from hvps import Caen

# default connection settings
caen = Caen()

module = caen.module()  # get the first module (module 0)
# if multiple modules are present, they can be accessed by index e.g. caen.module(1)

# get the module's name
print(f"module name: {}")


from hvps import Caen

caen = Caen()
module = caen.module(0)

print(f"number of channels: {module.number_of_channels}")

channel =  # get channel number 2

# get monitoring parameters
print(f"vmon: {channel.vmon}")
print(f"vset: {channel.vset}")

# set values (remote mode must be enabled)
# turn on channel

channel.vset = 300.0  # 300 V

⚠️ Disclaimer

The development of this package is mostly based on documentation with access to only a few models of HVPS.

If you use this package, it is very possible you find a bug or some oversight. You are encouraged to make a pull request or to create an issue to report a bug, to request additional features or to suggest improvements.