
A toolkit of transport planning and appraisal functionalities

common-analytical-framework, transport
pip install caf.toolkit==0.9.0


Transport for the North Logo


Supported Python versions Latest release Conda Coverage Testing Badge Documentation Status code style: black

The Common Analytical Framework (CAF) Toolkit is a toolkit of transport planning and appraisal functionalities. It's the beginning of a project to make a lot of the useful stuff from NorMITs Demand more widely available and easily accessible.

Common Analytical Framework

This package is sits within the Common Analytical Framework (CAF), which is a collaboration between transport bodies in the UK to develop and maintain commonly used transport analytics and appraisal tools.


CAF.Toolkit happily accepts contributions.

The best way to contribute to this project is to go to the issues tab to report bugs or submit feature requests. This helps CAF.toolkit become more stable and full-featured. Please check the closed bugs before submitting a bug report to see if your question has already been answered.

Please see our contribution guidelines for details on contributing to the codebase or documentation.