Shared code for the Cal-ITP data codebases

pip install calitp==2023.2.10



Tools for accessing and analyzing cal-itp data


# Note that the tools to easily query the warehouse are being developed on a
# feature branch of siuba right now.
pip install git+

# Install calitp package
pip install calitp


Tests can be run using pytest:

pip install -r requirements.txt


calitp uses the following environment variables:

  • CALITP_SERVICE_KEY_PATH - an optional path to a google service key file.

Configuration helper functions

name env variable description
is_development() AIRFLOW_ENV E.g. changes project_id between staging and production.
is_pipeline() CALITP_USER Enables writing to warehouse. E.g. functions like write_table().
is_cloud() CALITP_AUTH Toggles GCSFS authentication to "cloud" (vs "google_default").

Release Package to PyPI

This package is automatically pushed to pypi upon release.

Releasing should follow this pattern:

  • bump version number in calitp/
  • create a pre-release by selecting the pre-release button at the bottom of the page. the tag and title should be v{VERSION}pre, e.g. v0.0.1pre. Verify the test release action worked, and that the pre-release was published to
  • if the pre-release was successful, create a release from tag with the same name as the previous step but excluding 'pre', and verify the release action worked. The tag and title should be v{VERSION}, e.g. v0.0.1.

Develop an Image for Jupyterhub

This Loom video walks through the process of creating and deploying new JupyterHub images that is found below.

In order to test new images for Jupyterhub

  • create a new branch starting with development (e.g. development, development-hub).
  • make changes to the Dockerfile as needed.
  • a new image will automatically be built as a calitp-py image, named calitp-py:<branch_name>.

Run an image on github container repository

You can test an image locally by running the following:

# note change the left-hand 8888 to another port, if you are already using that one
# if you are testing a different branch image, change development to that branch
docker run -p 8888:8888 -it --rm

Once this runs, you should be able to view it on localhost:8888. Note that it should print a link in the terminal with a special token you may need to enter.

Build and run an image using docker-compose

In order to build and test changes locally, you can run the following.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

This will do two things to help with development:

  • mount your local directory as /home/jovyan/app.
  • mount your default gcloud credentials to the image.

If you do not have credentials set, you can use this command:

gcloud auth application-default login

Release Image to Jupyterhub

This repo also handles pushing up a new jupyterhub image for calitp. See the "Package docker image" section of this workflow file.

The workflow publishes images to github container registry in two cases:

  • a release with a tag that starts with hub
  • a commit to any branch named development

The steps to update jupyterhub on the calitp cluster are as follows:

  • create a calitp release, tagged as hub-v<VERSION NUMBER>, e.g. hub-v1
  • check the corresponding action to ensure a new image was pushed. The image should appear on the packages page.
  • follow the instructions in the data-infra docs on updating the jupyterhub deploy.

CLI tools


This offers a quick way to pull a protobuff file from the gtfs-realtime archiver. Because Google Cloud Storage must be searched by prefix, an incomplete time string will default to first matching hour or minute. Here are some examples of potential searches.

# Get the file for this feed at midnight this morning
python -m calitp random-protobuff 295/0/gtfs_rt_service_alerts_url

# A wildcard can be anywhere in the feed string
python -m calitp random-protobuff 295/0/*

# This defaults to midnight on the date provided
python -m calitp random-protobuff 295/0/* --date 2022-02-23

# Search at an exact time
python -m calitp random-protobuff 295/0/* --date 2022-02-23T16:01:24

# Or at a given hour/minute
python -m calitp random-protobuff 295/0/* --date 2022-02-23T16
python -m calitp random-protobuff 295/0/* --date 2022-02-23T16:01

# print the result as a json
python -m calitp random-protobuff 295/0/* --format json

# access the test bucket (bucket defaults to gtfs-data)
python -m calitp random-protobuff 295/0/* --bucket gtfs-data-test