CamBank is a personal finance web application

pip install cambank==2.1.0


What is CamBank

CamBank is a web-based personal finance manager application.

* You create a set of budgets (electricity bill, taxes, fuel, etc.) with an informative target amount
* You define how much of your salary should automatically go into these budgets
* When the salary comes, you can refine exactly how much goes where, because each month is different
* And when the expenses come, you assign them to the respective budgets to consume the money


* Rapid view of your money and alignment with upcoming big expenses (like annual income tax)
* Simple view of all your budget
* Not complex like most of the other financial apps
* Expenses can be split across multiple budgets
* Support statements files (CSV, QIF, OFX) from your bank + Manual addition

How to use it

- a PostgreSQL database
- a web server able to run python3 cgi scripts
  or a Docker server

Dependencies (Python modules):
- psycopg2 >= 2.7.4
- camlib >= 0.0.1
- ofxtools >= 0.5 (only for importing OFX bank statements)

Dependencies for the API (Python modules):
The API is not used yet, so no need to install the deps.
- flask
- flask_restful

Run Cambank with Docker
FIXME: Installation guide not ready yet.
Please follow instructions below (how to test) to start a demo CamBank on a Docker-enabled machine.


How to test CamBank

On a machine with docker daemon ready:

 curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/wercker
 chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wercker
 git clone
 wercker dev --expose-ports

this will launch a container with a postgresql server
and a container running CamBank

CamBank is accessible at http://localhost/index.cgi
Login/password is cambank/toto

How to run the unit tests

wercker build

Optional - test the API

in the wercker file, comment http.server and uncomment cambankapi

source files can then be modified and wercker will reload them on the fly
api is available at http://localhost:5000/budgets/
no api authorisation yet

Optional - Run test manually

- Launch wercker dev --expose-ports
- "docker ps" to get the name of the container
- docker exec -it wercker-pipeline-75349698-b091-4dff-b2ee-7556c8c809b2 /bin/bash
- cd /pipeline/source
- sh test/

Optional - Run index.cgi manually

/pipeline/source/htdocs # export HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Basic Y2FtYmFuazp0b3RvCg=="
/pipeline/source/htdocs # python3 index.cgi