A library of helper tools for catala programming in the context of French legislative texts.

pip install catleg==0.1.0



A library of helper tools for catala programming in the context of French legislative texts.


catleg requires python >= 3.10

from PyPI

pip install catleg

from a source clone

pip install .

from github

pip install 'catleg @ git+https://github.com/CatalaLang/catleg@main'

You may replace main with any ref (commit SHA, tag, branch...)

Running catleg

Run catleg --help for a list of commands.

Legifrance credentials

catleg uses the Legifrance API (though we hope to provide our own API soon!) to access French legislative texts.

This API is authenticated and requires credentials, which may be obtained by registering on the Piste portal.

To provide credentials to catleg, create a .catleg_secrets.toml file like so:

lf_client_id = "your_client_id"
lf_client_secret = "your_client_secret"

Alternatively, you may define the environment variables CATLEG_LF_CLIENT_ID and CATLEG_LF_CLIENT_SECRET.