
Tom's contact list

pip install cbuh==0.0.1


Dada contacts
Install Xapian and cbuh. In Arch Linux, I do this. ::

    sudo pacman -S python2-xapian
    sudo pip2 install cbuh

Save your contacts in ``~/.cbuh/contacts`` with the following format. ::

    name = Thomas Levine
    email = _@thomaslevine.com
    phone = +1 831 713 1131
    place = Scarsdale; Ithaca; New York; Oakland, California; Berlin, Germany
    6birthday = 19900330

    email = someone@dada.pink
    # ...

Run ``cbuh -h`` to see how to run. (Or look below.) ::

    usage: cbuh [-h] [-s] [-m] [-c path] [-d path] [-p path] [-i]
                [[search term] [[search term] ...]]

    Query the contact list.

    positional arguments:
      [search term]         The search terms, if you're running a search

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -s, --sort            Sort the contacts file by person identifier.
      -m, --mutt            Export the contact list as a mutt alias file.
      -c path, --contacts path
                            The contacts file
      -d path, --database path
                            The database directory
      -p path, --prefixes path
                            The prefixes file
      -i, --index           Index the contact list.

    Search the contact list in ~/.cbuh/contacts. The search is an ordinary Xapian
    query (http://xapian.org/docs/queryparser.html) with whatever prefixed terms
    you like. I suggest these.

    * id
    * name
    * email
    * phone
    * place

    If you apply these prefixes, you search within that field only;
    for example, "name:Francisco" searches for people with names like
    "Francisco". Searching for simply "Francisco", on the other hand,
    will also match everyone who lives in San Francisco.

    Prefixes that start with digits 0 to 4 are treated as numeric values,
    with the digit being the slot. For example, I use ``1want`` to
    indicate how much I want to see someone, so I can search for people
    I really want to see with ``want20..``.

    Prefixes that start with digits 5 to 9 are treated as date values,
    with the digit being the slot. For example, I use ``6born`` to indicate
    when someone was born.