

pip install cdk-vpc-module==0.0.9



cdk-vpc-module construct library is an open-source extension of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to deploy configurable aws vpc and its individual components in less than 50 lines of code and human readable configuration which can be managed by pull requests!

✨ Features

  • ✅ Option to configure custom IPv4 CIDR(
  • ✅ VPC Peering with route table entry
  • ✅ Configurable NACL as per subnet group
  • ✅ NATGateway as per availabilityZones

Using cdk a vpc can be deployed using the following sample code snippet:

import { Network } from "@smallcase/cdk-vpc-module/lib/constructs/network";
import { aws_ec2 as ec2, App, Stack, StackProps } from "aws-cdk-lib";
import { Construct } from "constructs";

export class VPCStack extends Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackProps = {}) {
    super(scope, id, props);
    new Network(this, 'NETWORK', {
      vpc: {
        cidr: '',
        subnetConfiguration: [],
      peeringConfigs: {
        "TEST-PEERING": { // this key will be used as your peering id, which you will have to mention below when you configure a route table for your subnets
          peeringVpcId: "vpc-0000",
          tags: {
            "Name": "TEST-PEERING to CREATED-VPC",
            "Description": "Connect"
      subnets: [
          subnetGroupName: 'NATGateway',
          subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC,
          cidrBlock: ['', '', ''],
          availabilityZones: ['ap-south-1a', 'ap-south-1b', 'ap-south-1c'],
          ingressNetworkACL: [
              cidr: ec2.AclCidr.ipv4(''),
              traffic: ec2.AclTraffic.allTraffic(),
          routes: [
          egressNetworkACL: [
              cidr: ec2.AclCidr.ipv4(''),
              traffic: ec2.AclTraffic.allTraffic(),
          subnetGroupName: 'Public',
          subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PUBLIC,
          cidrBlock: ['', '', ''],
          availabilityZones: ['ap-south-1a', 'ap-south-1b', 'ap-south-1c'],
          ingressNetworkACL: [
              cidr: ec2.AclCidr.ipv4(''),
              traffic: ec2.AclTraffic.allTraffic(),
          egressNetworkACL: [
              cidr: ec2.AclCidr.ipv4(''),
              traffic: ec2.AclTraffic.allTraffic(),
          routes: [
          tags: {
            // if you use this vpc for your eks cluster, you have to tag your subnets [read more](
            '': '1',
            '': 'owned',
          subnetGroupName: 'Private',
          subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT,
          cidrBlock: ['', '', ''],
          availabilityZones: ['ap-south-1a', 'ap-south-1b', 'ap-south-1c'],
          ingressNetworkACL: [
              cidr: ec2.AclCidr.ipv4(''),
              traffic: ec2.AclTraffic.allTraffic(),
          egressNetworkACL: [
              cidr: ec2.AclCidr.ipv4(''),
              traffic: ec2.AclTraffic.allTraffic(),

          routes: [
            // if you use this vpc for your eks cluster, you have to tag your subnets [read more](
              routerType: ec2.RouterType.VPC_PEERING_CONNECTION,
              destinationCidrBlock: "<destinationCidrBlock>",
              //<Your VPC PeeringConfig KEY, in this example TEST-PEERING will be your ID>
              existingVpcPeeringRouteKey: "TEST-PEERING"
          tags: {
            '': '1',
            '': 'owned',
          subnetGroupName: 'Database',
          subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT,
          cidrBlock: ['', '', ''],
          availabilityZones: ['ap-south-1a', 'ap-south-1b', 'ap-south-1c'],
          ingressNetworkACL: [
              cidr: ec2.AclCidr.ipv4(''),
              traffic: ec2.AclTraffic.allTraffic(),
          egressNetworkACL: [
              cidr: ec2.AclCidr.ipv4(''),
              traffic: ec2.AclTraffic.allTraffic(),
          routes: [
          tags: {
const envDef = {
  account: '<AWS-ID>',
  region: '<AWS-REGION>',

const app = new App();

new VPCStack(app, 'TEST', {
  env: envDef,
  terminationProtection: true,
  tags: {

Please refer here to check how to use individual resource constructs.

🎬 Quick Start

The quick start shows you how to create an AWS-VPC using this module.


  • A working aws CLI installation with access to an account and administrator privileges
  • You'll need a recent NodeJS installation

To get going you'll need a CDK project. For details please refer to the detailed guide for CDK.

Create an empty directory on your system.

mkdir aws-quick-start-vpc && cd aws-quick-start-vpc

Bootstrap your CDK project, we will use TypeScript, but you can switch to any other supported language.

npx cdk init sample-vpc  --language typescript
npx cdk bootstrap 

Install using NPM:

npm install @smallcase/cdk-vpc-module

Using yarn

yarn add @smallcase/cdk-vpc-module

Check the changed which are to be deployed

~ -> npx cdk diff

Deploy using

~ -> npx cdk deploy