
A Python library for BPM adjustment in audio files

pip install chbpm==0.1.3


Chbpm: BPM Adjustment Tool


Chbpm is a Python-based tool designed for analyzing and adjusting the tempo of music tracks. This tool is ideal for fitness enthusiasts, dancers, and anyone who needs music to maintain a consistent BPM for their activities. The primary goal is to adjust the BPM of songs to fit within a target BPM range, facilitating a consistent pace during workouts or dance routines.


  • BPM Analysis: Automatically analyzes the BPM of music files.
  • BPM Adjustment: Adjusts the tempo of music tracks to a target BPM suitable for exercise or dance routines.
  • Dual BPM Handling: For songs within a specified range, it uses the target BPM directly. For songs where double the BPM falls within the range, it adjusts to half the target BPM.
  • File Format Support: Compatible with various audio file formats (e.g., MP3, M4A).
  • Error Logging: Detailed logging for troubleshooting, including optional suppression of verbose ffmpeg metadata output.


Ensure ffmpeg is installed on your system. Installation inctructions.

For Users

pip install chbpm

For Developers

  1. Install Pipenv:
pip install pipenv
  1. Clone this repository.
git clone
  1. Navigate to the Project Directory
  2. Install Dependencies:
pipenv install
  1. Activate the Virtual Environment:
pipenv shell


Run the tool from the command line, specifying the input folder and other optional parameters:

python -m chbpm path_to_music_folder

Command-Line Options

  • input_path: Path to the input music folder.

  • -o, --output_path: Path to the output folder where adjusted music files will be saved. Defaults to adjusted.

  • -t, --target_bpm: Optional target BPM for tempo adjustment. Defaults to 180.

  • -r, --range_percentage: Percentage for BPM range adjustment. Defaults to 15%. This setting determines the flexibility in BPM adjustment.

  • --log: Set log level. INFO by default.

  • --format: Convert output audio files to given format. By default keeps the original format.

--ffmpeg_options: Control over the audio processing, enabling adjustments to codec, bitrate, and more.

Important Note

The arguments passed through --ffmpeg_options are directly supplied to FFmpeg, so it's essential to ensure they are valid and compatible with the input and output file formats being used. Refer to the FFmpeg documentation for a comprehensive list of available options.