
Personal recipe management app.

food, recipes, culinary, cooking
pip install chef-recipes==2.1.2


🍽️ Chef

A simple, customizable recipe management app.

A simple FastAPI + SQLAlchemy app + VueJS frontend. Frontend app is built and bundled together with the python build downloadable from PyPI -> the entire app can be run with a single command. It's also built as a single container and can be easily hosted (with little tweaks) on GCP Cloud Run.


curl | bash

or install the package yourself

pip install chef-recipes
chef --help

or run with docker:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v ~/.chef:/chef/data scotch3840/chef:latest

Build & Development


migrations are included in the build package, symbolic link to the alembic.ini is in the repository root

# schema changes
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<... message ...>"

# upgrade the target database - accoring to $DATABASE_URI
alembic upgrade head

# ...or can be executed from the built script - i.e. without the sources
chef migrate-db


  1. Poetry: build the standalone Python package
cd ./src/js/chef
npm run build
cd -
poetry build
poetry publish
  1. Build the docker image
docker build . -t scotch3840/chef
docker push scotch3840/chef

...or run on GCP using scotch3840/misc:chef-gcp image (PostgreSQL):

! second generation execution environment required.

  • BUCKET: name of your GCP/CloudStorage bucket.
  • MNT_DIR: target where the bucket will be mounted.
  • IMAGES_FOLDER: where the app will be looking for and storing uploaded images, has to be somewhere inside your bucket.
  • DATABASE_URI: specify your posgres or possibly put an sqlite file in the bucket as well.