
Data source class project working with api's by GAGNOU Zachary and MILLE-EGEA Alexandra

pip install cinematips==0.1.0


Website made-with-python GitHub license Flake8 Status

✨ Cinematips ✨

Alexandra Mille-Egea Zachary Gagnou


This project is a website that uses IMDB API for getting a movies rating. The project establish's it-self in two classes, API and web scapping, and Digital Traces. It has bein authored by Alexandra Mille-Egea and Zachary Gagnou.

How it works

Using the web app is very simple, as you get on the home pages you are derectly greated by a search bar where you enter the name of the movie you wish to know the score and it will show you all the best results.

Where to find it

The web app is hosted by streamlit app at:

But if you are fealing adventurous you can run the docker version. First get the docker file from docker hub:

foo@bar:~$ sudo docker pull zakenobi/cinematips

Now you can run the image:

foo@bar:~$ sudo docker run -p 8501:8501 zakenobi/cinematips

You can now access the app at http://localhost:8501. (You can also run the image with the -d flag to keep it running) Sorry Mac and Windows users you're on your own for this one.


GitHub Actions for python syntax error and proper habits with flake8. There is also code run test but their are no other unit testing.


Automatic with streamlit hub that checks the github repo for changes. The way they manage to do that is thanks to Watchtower, We recomend that you check it out it's very cool!

In addition their is an automatic build and publishing of the docker image for the app to Docker hub.

Google Analytics

This web site is using google analytics for educational purpose only monitoring the traffic.


Usage of streamlit is nice and easy to get a fast modern result but it is very heavy and slow. A nice improvment would be to use a more optimized frontend framwork such as React and having the python code served by a lightweight server like Django.