
Tools for using Civis Platform with Jupyter notebooks

pip install civis-jupyter-extensions==1.2.0



Tools for using the Civis Platform with Jupyter notebooks

Installation and Setup

Run the following commands in a shell:

pip install civis-jupyter-extensions
jupyter nbextension install --py civis_jupyter_ext
jupyter nbextension enable --py civis_jupyter_ext

In order to use the extensions, make sure to have your Civis Platform API key in your local environment as CIVIS_API_KEY.

Magic Commands

To load the magic commands, use the following in ipython or a Jupyter notebook:

%load_ext civis_jupyter_ext

You can also autoload the magic commands every time a notebook is opened by adding:

c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['civis_jupyter_ext']

to your ~/.ipython/profile_default/

SQL Queries

To get a table preview, use the cell magic like this:

%%civisquery my-database
select * from dummy.table limit 10;

To return a DataFrame for further processing, use the line magic like this:

df = %civisquery my-database select * from dummy.table;