
clickhouse query

pip install clickhouse-query==0.1.0


ClickHouse Query

ClickHouse Query is a Python library designed to simplify the construction of complex ClickHouse queries. It provides a fluent API and a comprehensive set of functions for this purpose.


You can install the ClickHouse Query library using pip. Run the following command in your terminal:

pip install clickhouse-query


Here’s an example of how to use the ClickHouse Query library:

import clickhouse_query as ch
from clickhouse_query import functions as chf

# Create a QuerySet instance for your table
q = (
    ch.QuerySet("my_table", clickhouse_client=...)
    .prewhere(date__year__gte=2020)  # Add a prewhere condition
    .group_by("status")  # Group by status
    .select("status", s=chf.sum("price"))  # Select status and sum
    .order_by("-s")  # Order by sum in descending order
    .limit(10)  # Limit the results to 10

# Get the SQL query and parameters
sql, sql_params  = ch.get_sql(q)
# sql = 'SELECT status, sum(price) AS cnt FROM my_table PREWHERE (greaterOrEquals(toYear(date), %(__U_1)f)) GROUP BY status ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT %(__U_2)f'
# sql_params = {'__U_1': 2020, '__U_2': 10}

# Execute the query
data = q.execute()
# data = [{"status": "status1", "s": 200}, {"status": "status2", "s": 100}, ...]

In this example, sql will contain the generated SQL query and sql_params will contain its parameters. The execute method will execute the query and return the data.


For more detailed information on how to use the ClickHouse Query library, please refer to the documentation in the docs directory.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details