Python-Script for automated click-sequences and text entry

python, mouse-automation, gui-testing, automation, simulation, mouse, gui, testing
pip install clickomat==1.0.7



Clickomat 1.0.7

Python-Script for automated click-sequences and text entry.

Building on top of the brilliant lib "pyautogui" by Al Sweigart it offers the possibility to perform mouse clicks, text input and more with very simplified commands.

The purpose of Clickomat is to map the sometimes relatively long python commands from pyautogui with short, single-line commands that are processed in a simple text list.



$ pip install clickomat

Watch how easy it is to get started:

Watch the video


Unfortunately, one of the used modules (tkinter) caused problems in previous versions. If you have Monterey installed clickomat crashed with a long, cryptic exception. I changend the module and v1.0.3 or higher is now working on mac again!

Run Testscript

Open in Firefox (other browsers render differently so targets are not recognized).
It must now be ensured that ALT-TAB (Win) or CMD-TAB (Mac) can be used to switch directly back and forth between the terminal and the website.

  1. Install Clickomat package
$ pip install clickomat
  1. Change directory into testcases/checkboxolympics/
$ cd [path-to-clickomat-folder]/testcases/checkboxolympics
  1. Run the script by typing
$ python

OR simply put

$ pip install clickomat
$ clickomat -p [path-to-clickomat-folder]/testcases/checkboxolympics

Run Clickomat

From command-line as CLI

If run directly from command-line Clickomat takes arguments like this:

$ clickomat -p C:/path/to/case/dir -c clicklist.txt -i imagefolder

Defaults would simply be '.','t1.txt','images' if called w/o arguments.

If you only like to change the clicklist-file:

$ clickomat -c clicklist.txt

More details in the Docs -> CLI

From python-file

To run from python-script you need to have at least this construct:

from clickomat import Clickomat
c = Clickomat('.','t1.txt',"images")
  • You have to specify the location of your clicklist with the first param. Here it is a dot because the python file is in the same directory as the Clickomat script txt-file (clicklist).
  • Next is the name of the clicklist (text-file) to read instructions from t1.txt
  • You CAN specify a folder for your target-images but those can also be located on txt-file level. Then you would write a dot here.

More details in the Docs -> Python


Command Result
##SECTION you can divide your script into sections
switch Alt-Tab on WIN / Command-Tab on Mac
click normal click at current position
click -images click on imagename.png if present
click ! -images forced click on imagename.png
doubleclick normal doubleclick at current position
doubleclick -images doubleclick on imagename.png if present
doubleclick ! -images forced doubleclick on imagename.png
shiftclick shift-click at current position
shiftclick -images shift-click on imagename.png if present
shiftclick ! -images forced shift-click on imagename.png
rightclick right-click at current position
rightclick -images right-click on imagename.png if present
rightclick ! -images forced right-click on imagename.png
mdown Mouse-Down - Stays down until released by mup !
mup Mouse-Up
pos -image place mouse on imagename.png
posX 20 move mouses X-coordinate to 20px from left
posY 20 move mouses Y-coordinate to 20px from top
right 20 pushes mouse 20px to the right
left 20 pushes mouse 20px to the left
up 20 pushes mouse 20px up
down 20 pushes mouse 20px down
drag -image click-drag across imagename.png (top/left to bottom/right)
drag up -image click-drag across imagename.png (bottom/left to top/right)
await -images waits for image to appear
write "text" types text
pop "text" pops up a message, pauses until button is pressed
enter press enter
scroll 20 scroll 20 steps up
scroll -20 scroll 20 steps down
stop breaks the script (for debugging)
del deletes file
del dir deletes directory
[number] pauses for [number] seconds
# you can comment-out lines by using hash as first char (followed by space)
#command you can also comment-out lines by using hash as first char followed by command (no space)
lookup -image ->SECTION set a target to lookout for the entire runtime. If found -> end current section, start SECTION (name)
if -images ->SECTION If (multiple possible) target found -> end current section, start SECTION (name)
go ->SECTION end current section, start SECTION (name)
end you CAN pop a message when script is finished - optional


-imagename can either be a single image or a list of images separated by / . The list will be iterated and the first finding will be used. See example in checkboxolympics testcase.


Command Shorthand Command Shorthand Command Shorthand
switch > posX x await a
click c posY y write w
doubleclick dc right r enter .
shiftclick sc left l scroll sl
rightclick rc up u del d
mdown md down d del dir dd
mup mu lookup lu

More commands coming...

Full Documentation


* pyautogui
* keyboard
* pynput
* click
* pyperclip
* opencv-python (on windows pyautogui works only with opencv)
* pillow (on windows pyautogui works only with pillow)


On the Website you can run the very simplyfied script of the testcase and get a score around 2.2 seconds...