
Package to log styled messages on console

python, logger, logging-library, highlight
pip install clinlog==1.0.0



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Package to easily log styled messages on console

Basic usage

Create a Logger object and use his convenient methods to print styled messages in console. You can define a default tag for each kind of message on the Logger instance. There is a custom handler to use clinlog with default loggign package of python stdlib (Using custom handler expanation below).

Print style methods

  • confirm()
  • error()
  • warning()
  • info()
  • debug()
  • print()

The signature for all print methods are the same:

  1. message (str): Message to print.
  2. tag (str): (Optional) Prefix tag to print with the message. If None the default tag for this kind of messages is used. An empty string will remove the tag for this print.
  3. bold (bool): (Optional) True to use bright style to print the message (kind of bold font). By default False.
  4. highlight (bool): True to use the color on the background and a high contrast color for the message text.
  5. invert_color (bool): True to invert font color when highlight flag is on, this will switch between black and white. By default False.

Default print tag attributes

When a Logger object is created all default tags are an empty string (no tag)

  • confirm_tag
  • error_tag
  • warn_tag
  • info_tag
  • print_tag

Log level param

You can provide a log level parameter to control the verbosity of the logger, this parameter can be provided during construction or via setter method. By default Logger class takes max verbosity level (debug)

from clinlog import Logger

# Creating a Logger with warining log level
log = Logger(log_level='warning')

# Updating log level via setter
log.log_level = 'debug'

Code Sample

from clinlog import Logger

# Create the logger
log = Logger()

# Set default error tag
log.error_tag = '[ERROR]: '

# Print error styled message
log.error('Unable to access config file', bold=True)

# Print warning highlighted and bold
log.warning('The execution will continue with default configuration', None, True, True)

# Confirmation log with provided tag
log.confirm('Execution completed', '[SUCCESS]')

# Debug log with provided tag
log.debug('DB returned 8 entries for the user', '[DEBUG] ')



Different styes sample


ClinlogHandler and python logging package

To use Clinlog with python logging package you can create an instance of ClinlogHandler and add it to your custom logger handlers. There are two convinent funcions to create a logging.Logger whith this handler setted.

First here is an example of how to create a logger from logging package and add ClinlogHandler to print styled messages when logging.

import logging

from clinlog.logging import ClinlogHandler

# Create logger and handler
logger = logging.getLogger('clinlog')
cl_handler = ClinlogHandler()

# Set log level and add Clinlog handler to logger

logger.critical('This is a critical error!')
logger.error('This is an error')
logger.warning('Some warning')'Everithing is going right for now')
logger.debug('User input was 4')

About the helper functions you can use them to create (create_logger()) or get the logger (get_logger()) directly.

import logging

from clinlog.logging import get_logger, create_logger

# Creates logger with name 'clinlog'

# You can get the logger with logging
logger = logging.getLogger('clinlog')

# For ease of use get_logger() creates (if needed, so you don't need to call creeate_logger before this) clinlog logger and returns it
logger = get_logger()'Logging setted up')

ClinlogHandler details

  • ClinlogHandler extends from StreamHandler from logging package, so you can expect same methods as this handler.
  • The handles is by default in DEBUG level.
  • The message formater is by default with format: [%(levelname)s] %(message)s (you can see an output examples below)

ClinlogHandler output
