CLI Shelf Tools and Hooks for My Python Packages

utility, cli, pre-commit-hook, python3, versioning
pip install clishelf==0.2.4


CLI Shelf

test codecov PyPI - Python Version size

Table of Contents:

This is the CLI Shelf Tools and Hooks for my Python packages that help me to make Versioning, run Abbreviate of Git CLI, and Wrapped Dev Python packages (more-itertools, pre-commit, ...) on my any Python package repositories.

This project was created because I do not want to hard code set up all of them every time when I start create a new Python package 😫. I provide some reusable CLIs that was implemented from the Click package.


pip install clishelf

In the future, I will add more the CLI tools that able to dynamic with many style of config such as I want to make changelog file with style B by my custom message code.

Dependency supported:

Python Version Installation
== 3.8 pip install "clishelf>=0.1.10,<0.2.4"
>=3.9.13,<3.13 pip install -U clishelf

Pre-Commit Hook

See pre-commit for instructions

- repo:
  rev: v0.2.4
    - id: shelf-commit-msg
      stages: [commit-msg]


This Utility Package provide some CLI tools for handler development process.

Usage: shelf.exe [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The Main Shelf commands.

  conf   Return config for clishelf commands
  cove   Run the coverage command.
  dep    List of Dependencies that was set in pyproject.toml file.
  emoji  The Emoji commands
  git    The Extended Git commands
  vs     The Versioning commands.

List of Feature Groups:

Extended Git

This is abbreviation of Git CLI that warped with the Python subprocess package.

Usage: shelf.exe git [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The Extended Git commands

  bn           Show the Current Branch name.
  bn-clear     Clear Local Branches that sync from the Remote repository.
  cm           Show the latest Commit message
  cm-prev      Commit changes to the Previous Commit with same message.
  cm-revert    Revert the latest Commit on the Local repository.
  df           Show changed files from previous commit to HEAD
  init         Initialize GIT config on local
  log          Show the Commit Logs from the latest Tag to HEAD.
  mg           Merge change from another branch with strategy, `theirs`...
  pf           Show Profile object that contain Name and Email of Author
  tg           Show the Latest Tag if it exists, otherwise it will show...
  tg-clear     Clear Local Tags that sync from the Remote repository.


This is the enhancement bump2version Python package for my bumping style.

Usage: shelf.exe vs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The Versioning commands.

  bump       Bump Version with specific action.
  changelog  Make Changelogs file
  conf       Return the config data for bumping version.
  current    Return Current Version that read from ``__about__`` by default.
  tag        Create the Git tag by version from the ``__about__`` file.


This is the emoji CLI that getting data from GitHub dataset.

Usage: shelf.exe emoji [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  The Emoji commands

  fetch  Refresh emoji metadata file on assets folder.


Basic Setting


  version: "./clishelf/"
  changelog: ""
  mode: "normal"


version = "./clishelf/"
changelog = ""
mode = "normal"


The bump version mode able to be normal or datetime only.

Override Commit Prefix

    - ["comment", "Documents", ":bulb:"]  # 💡
    - ["typos", "Documents", ":pencil2:"]  # ✏️
    - ["Features", ":tada:"]  # 🎉


  • I will implement use rich and alive-progress to this project for make interface terminal prettier.
  • Dynamic emoji changing for support other platform such as GitLab.
  • (BIG) Remove bump2version package and implement the own bump function.


I will migrate this code from Python to Rust for performance of CLI (But I will observe for this again because this package does not have any issue with perf as well.)


This project was licensed under the terms of the MIT license.