
A lightweight package that analyzes multiple metrics directly from confusion matrix efficiently

pip install cm2metrics==0.1



A lightweight package that analyzes multiple metrics directly from confusion matrix.


  • Get all classes parsing results in native Dataframe format
  • Print all classes or specified class parsing summary in friendly format
  • Only requires numpy and pandas, without relying on other machine learning packages.
  • Easy to use with a few APIs
  • Supports 16 metrics for each class:
    • tp: true positive
    • tn: true negative
    • fp: false positive
    • fn: false negative
    • tpr: true positive rate
    • tnr: true negative rate
    • fpr: false positive rate
    • fnr: false negative rate
    • atc: actual true count
    • afc: actual false count
    • ptc: predict true count
    • pfc: predict false count
    • accruacy
    • precision
    • recall
    • f1


  • Version: 0.1
  • Dependency: Python(3.6,, numpy, pandas


pip install cm2metrics


General use

Generate a confusion matrix

#  use scikitlearn
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

#cm is ndarray, convert to dataframe
cm = confusion_matrix(true_target, pred_target)
df_cm = pd.DataFrame(cm, index=class_names, columns=class_names)

# or, use a randomly generated confusion matrix(for test)
# see details in
class_names = {0:"class0", 1:"class1", 2:"class2"}
df_cm = pd.DataFrame([(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9)])
df_cm.rename(index=class_names, columns=class_names, inplace=True)

Init a confusion matrix parser

from cm2metrics.parse_cm import  ConfusionMatrixParser
cm_parser = ConfusionMatrixParser(df_cm)

Parse the confusion matrix

# parsing result(cm_parsed) is a dataframe
cm_parsed = cm_parser.parse_confusion_matrix()

Sample output:

        tp  fp  tn  fn       tpr       fpr       tnr       fnr  atc  afc  ptc  pfc  accuracy  precision    recall        f1
class0   1  28  11   5  0.166667  0.717949  0.282051  0.833333    6   39   12   33  0.644444   0.083333  0.166667  0.111111
class1   5  20  10  10  0.333333  0.666667  0.333333  0.666667   15   30   15   30  0.555556   0.333333  0.333333  0.333333
class2   9  12   9  15  0.375000  0.571429  0.428571  0.625000   24   21   18   27  0.466667   0.500000  0.375000  0.428571

# get class0 true positive
tp = cm_parsed.loc["class0"].at["tp"]

Print parsing summary in friendly format

# print one class summary by name using class_name parameter

# print one class summary by index in confusion matrix using class_index parameter

# print all classes summary by not specifying parameters

Sample output for class0 summary:
Summary for class0
TP: 1
TN: 28
FP: 11
FN: 5
TPR: 0.167
TNR: 0.718
FPR: 0.282
FNR: 0.833
Actual true count: 6
Actual false count: 39
Predict true count: 12
Predict false count: 33
Accuracy: 0.644
Precision: 0.083
Recall: 0.167
F1: 0.111


MIT license.