
CLI CMD Command helper

cmd, pypi, python
pip install cmds-helper==0.1.1


CMDS Helper

This modul will help us to automate CLI Command we usually use in projects.


Using pip :

pip install cmds-helper

How To Use

  • Install cmds-helper module using pip

  • Make runner file in root of your project files directory (i.e

        --{{Your project files/folder}}
        --{{your cmd json file}}cmd.json
  • Import cmdshelper Helper class

    from cmdshelper.helper import Helper
  • Instantiate the Helper class

    cmd = Helper()
  • Make command json file. You can make many cmd json file for grouping cmd or just make 1 cmd json file. The program will read all json file ends with cmd.json in your project directory and add it to list_command in Helper class. The syntax is :

        "{your_cmd_identifier}" : [
        "{your_cmd_identifier}" : [
    • {your_cmd_identifier} is identifier for calling all cmd command under that identifier. every identifier must be unique

    • cmd_command_to_run is the cmd command you want to run. The command is string you usually type in CLI, but in the json file, you separate every command/optional/arguments using space / ' ' like usual.

    • In cmd_command_to_run, you can add argument to pass, with type %{i} (i is index arguments passes)

  • Example :

    "gitACP" : [
            "git add .",
            "git commit -m %1",
            "git push"

    the identifier to call that command is gitACP (command to call git common command [add, commit, and push]). under that identifier, we specify all command we want to call

    • "git add ."
    • "git commit -m "{message}" " is typed "git commit -m %1"
      • %1 means that the first argument passed when calling that command identifier, will replacing %1 into the passed string
      • If you just want add same commit message for each commit, you can just change %1 into your message like feat: add something
    • "git push"

    You can see another command examples in example_cmd.json

  • There are 4 ways to run this file, by CLI with passing arg, by hardcode the command in script, or by using python -m

    • CLI Passing argument :

      • After instantiate the class, you can type this code :

        import sys
      • To run it, you just need to run the file and passing the command identifier and argument if needed

      • Example run it in CommandPrompt

        py gitACP "feat: add something

        that will call the gitACP command and pass feat: add something as commit message

    • Hardcoded Command :

      • After instantiate the class, you can type this code :[{your command here}])
      • Example :["gitACP","feat: add something"])

        to run it, you just need to run file

    • Straight from Python module

      It is just as simple as you open the folder that you want to run the command

      python -m cmdshelper [command] [args_1] [args_2] ... [args_3]

      for example:

      python -m cmdshelper gitACP "feat: add something"
    • Simply just cdmshelper

      It is just as simple as you open the folder that you want to run the command

      cmdshelper [command] [args_1] [args_2] ... [args_3]

      for example:

      cmdshelper gitACP "feat: add something"
  • Full code in will be :

    from cmdshelper.helper import Helper
    import sys
    cmd = Helper()
    # run using cli[1:])
    # run using hardcode command["gitACP","feat: add something"])


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.