
Adds Various configuration fields and viewlets to manage and show content related images and attachments

plone, richmedia, relatedmedia
pip install collective.behavior.relatedmedia==3.5.4


Dexterity Content Related Images/Attachments

What can this package do for you?

This packages adds a dexterity behavior to manage content related images and attachments.

Configure and activate

You have to define a Media Root Path where the uploaded Media is stored. The default media container is (site_root|nav_root)/media and can be changed in the Related Media Controlpanel.

The behavior is automatically enabled for "Documents". Edit the data in the new tab "Related Media"

Media Base Path Strategy

When a Document is created we generate a Related Media Base Path in the background to store all the uploaded Media. This base path is located in the configured Media Root Path above.

The Edit form renders a structure pattern from the base path where you can upload/rearrange/sort/rename and delete the related media inplace.

Further settings (for gallery css classes handling the images) as well as additional Images and Files (located somewhere else as the base path) are below


Images are displayed in a viewlet below the content title with the selected css class.

Attachments are displayed in a viewlet below the content body.

This package does not include any CSS or JS resource to enable some nice gallery experience. You can define this in your themen package.


  • Peter Mathis [petschki]