
make custom icons available in plone

pip install collective.customicons==1.1



  • If you want to use this addon together with archetypes depend your buildout on collectice.customicons[archetypes]
  • If you want to use this addon together with dexterity depend your buildout on collectice.customicons[dexterity]
  • ZCML is loaded automagically with z3c.autoinclude. Install it as an addon in the Plone control-panel or portal_setup. This package is written for Plone 4.3 or later.


  • By default the schemaextender is activated for folder and link content types.
  • If you want to activate it on other types you need to add some lines to your integration addons configure.zcml like so:

    <class class="Products.ATContentTypes.content.document.ATDocument">
        <implements interface="collective.customicons.interfaces.ICustomIcon" />


  • To make this product work with dx, you need to enable the behavior for i.e. folders via the dexterity-types admin controlpanel. Click on the Folder type and under the behaviors-tab you'll find the custom icon behavior. Activate it and you're ready to go.


  • With this product installed, you can specify an imagepool-folder via the admin controlpanel. Inside this folder you put the images you want. When you edit a folder you can either choose a customicon from the imagepool-folder, or browse on your local machine for an image.
  • When there is an imagepool-image and an uploaded image simultaneously specified for a folder, the the uploaded image will be taken and the pool-image will be ignored.

Source Code and Contributions

If you want to help with the development (improvement, update, bug-fixing, ...) of collective.customicons this is a great idea!

The code is located in the github collective <

You can clone it or get access to the github-collective and work directly on the project.

Maintainer is Benjamin Stefaner and the BlueDynamics Alliance developer team. We appreciate any contribution and if a release is needed to be done on pypi, please just contact one of us dev@bluedynamics dot com
