
A yet another Zip exporter for Plone content

pip install collective.jazzport==1.0.0



collective.jazzport is a yet another Zip export plugin for Plone.

It's a minimal export, supporting only rendered HTML content (without any url rewriting) and those content types that get downloaded as files by default.

It differs from the other zip exports in that it's implemented as a ZPublisher stream iterator, which means that it releases Zope worker threads as soon as possible and downloads all the zipped files separately using their public URLs.

(Note: this approach could be problematic for HAProxy configured to allow only fixed number of requests, but works great with Varnish's health check approach.)

After activation, collective.jazzport can display Download Zip document action or object button, whenever its permission collective.jazzport: Download Zip is available for the current user.

By default, the permission is not given to anyone, not even the Manager role. Also those actions are set invisible and must be manually enabled from the portal_actions-tool.