
JQuery Supersized for Plone

JQuery, Supersized, plugin, plone, resource
pip install collective.js.supersized==0.4.4



Integration of supersized in Plone4(tested) and Plone3 (untested).

This version include supersized v3.2.7.
There is a small change from the original supersized.shutter.js (the image path), and a few in the css files.
This product is no longer used for truegallery, use collective.ptg.supersized instead

News item view
You can see the "single background image mode" by 
- installing the product
- go to http://mysite/mynewsitemwithimage/@@supersized_view

Dexterity behavior
Version 0.4 added a dexterity behavior.
- Add one or more imagefields to your content type… or
- Add lead image behavior to your content type
- If you add several image fields, you will get a slideshow
- There is a separate view for Newsitem, so you can choose if you want to use the behavior or the view. 

Example on Using it on folders
- add a folderish content type (lets call it «Myfoldertype» with a image field named «Image» (or content lead image)
- Add a content type («mytype») with supersized behvaior
- Add a «Myfoldertype» to your site
- Add a «mytype» in «Myfoldertype» and you will get the image from «Myfoldertype» supersized 

Gallery effect
If you add more than one image to your content type, you will get a slideshow effect.
It will only work for images on the same content, not its parent

The control panel
In the (medialog) control panel, you can choose which size to use for the background image and a few other settings..


- Espen Moe-Nilssen <espen>


.. _supersized:

-- macagua