
A set of portal transform to change pdf into images

pip install collective.pdftransform==0.5



The main goal of this product is to allow PDF into ImageFields in Plone. It uses code written by David Brenneman for collective.pdfpeek.


Just add the following lines in your buildout:


You must install pdftransform with the quick installer (no need to install pdfpeek, but it must be in the buildout as we use its methods)

Using pdftransform in your site

collective.pdftransform adds a pdf_to_image transform in Plone portal_transform. As transforms can not be used with FileField (or at least I did not find how ...) it also provides a method in utils called update_form. You can use it in the post_validate method of your Archetype objects.

Here is an example (from Products.plonehrm, the Employee Archetype object):

from collective.pdftransform.utils import update_form
class Employee(BaseFolder):

    def post_validate(self, REQUEST, errors):
        update_form(self, REQUEST)


With this, all files submitted in the edit form, if they are PDF, are transformed into jpg files. You can specify an extra argument in update_form which is the list of fields, for example, if we had written this:

def post_validate(self, REQUEST, errors):
    update_form(self, REQUEST,
                ['portrait_file', 'idScan_file'])

only the files submitted in the portrait and idScan fields would have been transformed.

You can also use the validator called isValidImageOrPDF in your Image fields.