
Teaser/Banner content type for Plone

Plone, Teaser, Banner
pip install collective.teaser==2.3



Teaser/ Banner content type for Plone

This Plone add-on installs the content type teaser, which is meant to be used for small advertisements on a homepage to advertise own or external content.

Randomly selected teasers will be shown in a Teaser portlet. An importance level controls the frequency how often teasers are shown. A teaser with higher importance will be shown more frequently. If more teasers are shown in portlets on a page, one teaser is not shown twice.

If you need to show specific teasers only in specific portlets (e.g. to distinguish between horizontal and vertical teasers), use the importance levels or subject filter to assign teasers to those portlets.

Source Code

If you want to help with the development (improvement, update, bug-fixing, ...) of collective.teaser this is a great idea!

The code is located in the github collective.

You can clone it or get access to the github-collective and work directly on the project.

Maintainers are Johannes Raggam and the BlueDynamics Alliance developer team. We appreciate any contribution and if a release is needed to be done on pypi, please just contact one of us: dev@bluedynamics dot com


  • Johannes Raggam, BlueDynamics Alliance - Author
  • Robert Niederreiter, BlueDynamics Alliance - Contributions
  • Jens Klein, BlueDynamics Alliance - Contributions