This package intends to perform composite material calculations

pip install composipy==1.3


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What it is

Composipy is a Python-based library designed to address the challenges of composite plate analysis and optimization in the aerospace industry, where weight reduction is crucial for efficient and profitable aircraft design. The library offers tools for plate buckling analysis and lamination parameter optimization, empowering engineers to streamline the design process and enhance structural performance. Utilizing object-oriented programming and native Python structures, Composipy ensures a seamless workflow and easy integration into existing engineering practices. Through continuous integration and delivery practices, Composipy maintains reliability and efficiency.

Composipy is able to perform buckling calculation considering different boundary conditions and in-plane load applications. See Examples.

How to install

Directly From PYPI

pip install composipy

Built from source

python install


Quick start

Create the Material Properties.

from composipy import OrthotropicMaterial
E1 = 60800
E2 = 58250
v12 = 0.07
G12 = 4550
t = 0.21

mat_1 = OrthotropicMaterial(E1, E2, v12, G12, t)

See OrthotropicMaterial for reference.

Define the Laminate.

from composipy import LaminateProperty
stacking = [-45, 45, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 45, -45]
laminate1 = LaminateProperty(stacking, mat_1)

See LaminateProperty for reference.

Calculate Stiffnnes Matrix and Lamination Parameters

print(laminate1.ABD) # prints the ABD matrix as a np.ndarray
print(laminate1.xiA) # prints lamination parameters of extension as a np.ndarray
print(laminate1.xiD) # prints lamination parameters of bending as a np.ndarray

Create a Plate Structure.

from composipy import PlateStructure
constraints = {    
     'x0' : ['TX', 'TY', 'TZ', 'RX', 'RY', 'RZ'],
     'xa' : ['TX', 'TY', 'TZ', 'RX', 'RY', 'RZ'],
     'y0' : ['TX', 'TY', 'TZ', 'RX', 'RY', 'RZ'],
     'yb' : ['TX', 'TY', 'TZ', 'RX', 'RY', 'RZ']
panel = PlateStructure(laminate1, 360, 360, m=10, n=10, Nxx=-1, constraints=constraints)

See PlateStructure for reference.

Calculate Buckling

print(panel.buckling_analysis()) # solve the eigenvalue problem.

Plot Buckling shape mode


Theoretical References

The implementation of composipy is based on the following reference: