
Generate a concise and brief summary of all concrete test result PDFs, to aid in fast and efficient review

pip install conc_test_report==0.0.1



Concrete Test Results Summary

Generate a concise and brief summary of all concrete test result PDFs, to aid in fast and efficient review

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Table of Contents

1. About the Project

This is a Jupyter notebook script that programmically reads and extracts data out of concrete test reports into a summarized excel file and PDF summary report

1.1. Screenshots

Summary Sample Graph Excel

1.2. Features

PDF summary of the compiled data with the following additional verifications

  • Target vs Achived strength graph to quickly check if req. strength is achieved
  • Checks for Air content % to meet specified range
  • Checks for slump to meet specified range

2. Getting Started

2.1. Installation

From Pypi

pip install conc_test_report

2.2. Dependencies

The package should be pre-compiled with all required dependencies

3. Supported Material Testing Framework

This project will always remain a work in progress. A list of supported material testing report formats are shown below. More will be added in the future.

If you would like to see a particular company, please open up a new issue

Company Status
McElhanney ✔️
Kontur Geotechnical Consultants ✔️

4. Roadmap

  • Report Parser Script
    • Group common data extraction functions under Company class
    • Seperate patters to isolate one group per line
  • Report Generator Script
  • Tests

5. License

See LICENSE.txt for more information.

6. Contact

Arun Kishore - @rpakishore

Project Link:

7. Acknowledgements

Use this section to mention useful resources and libraries that you have used in your projects.