conda-store client

conda, collaboration, environments
pip install conda-store==0.4.0


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Data science environments, for collaboration.

Flexible. Reproducible. Governable.

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conda-store provides the familiarity and flexibility of conda environments, without compromising reliability for collaborative settings.

conda-store is built to work for all team members from individual data scientists to administrators, while making sure your team follows best practices throughout the environment life cycle: from initial environment creation to using environments in a production machine.

Key features

  • Flexibility:
    • Users can create and update environments with the Graphical UI or a YAML editor.
    • The environments are automatically version-controlled and all versions are readily available.
  • Reproducibility:
    • Users can share environments quickly through the auto-generated artifacts including a lockfile, docker image, YAML file, and tarball.
    • conda-store pins exact versions of all packages and their dependencies in all the auto-generated artifacts.
  • Governance:
    • Users have access to admin-approved packages and channels for their work and can request new ones when needed.
    • Admins can insert or require certain packages and versions for organization-level compatibility.
    • Admins can manage users' access levels using "Namespaces", and allow users to share environments across (and only with) their team.

Get started

Learn more, including how to install, use, and contribute to conda-store in our documentation at


We welcome all types of contributions. Please read our Contributing Guide to get started.

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Code of Conduct

To guarantee a welcoming and friendly community, we require all community members to follow our Code of Conduct.


conda-store is developed under the OSI BSD-3 LICENSE.