
A web framework agnostic blogging plugin.

conundrum blog blogging plugin
pip install conundrum



A webframework agnostic blogging plugin in Python

The idea is pretty simple. To make a create post -

  • Fetch a public gist* from github, with a markdown file
  • Save as markdown text in a yaml file with other info like date
  • Keep a file with the name of the newest post
  • Maintain an archive

And to display -

  • Archive is returned as html
  • Blog post is returned as html if name is given, else the newest post is returned

*For now it is possible to fetch post only from public gists. Support for more services will be added later.


  • Make sure you have a folder named posts in your application directory.
  • Create a public gist in markdown format as your post
  • Call from your application `conundrum.fetch(gist_id, name/title, github_username)
    • It will fetch the gist and save it in a yaml file named <title>, along with some other data
    • It will also update the archive, which is saved as a markdown file in the posts directory
    • And it will update a file named first with the name of the new file.
  • To update a post, call conundrum.update(title) and it will update the post.
  • To get the archive, call conundrum.archive()
  • To get a post call
    • It will return the html of that particular blog post, if it exists.
    • If no title is supplied, it will return the latest post.
  • A function operate is provided. It will take in arguments, and send them as post data to a url in the args
    • The format is conundrum.operate(-p|-u url title <gist_id> <auth>)
      • -p for post, -u for update(not used right now, but will be later)
      • url is the url you want to call on your site. Eg domain.tld/fetch to create a post, domain.tld/update to update it
      • title is the title of the post
      • gist_id is required only when you're creating a new post
      • auth is optional, you can use it to send authentication
    • This function is pretty basic, and it would be much better, and easier to create one of your own


To Do

  • Make it possible for the user to change the posts directory
  • Add support for private gists, and more services(dropbox, google drive...)