
Updates copyright notices.

pip install copyrite==0.1.0



Updates copyright notices.

  • Free software: MIT license


This is a short tool I've built for handling missing copyright notices in my open source projects (mostly pylint and astroid). The problem was that the copyright notices were too coarse, belonging only to the initial author of those two projects (Logilab), who stopped contributing that much in the past years. Since some contributors weren't willing to rennounce the copyright for a commercial entity, we found the need of a tool for updating the copyright notices across the board in order to reflect the reality of the contributions from the last year.

copyrite is extremely simple: it just need a repository and, driven by a couple of options, it goes into each file and replaces the copyright notices it finds with more up-to-date notices.


  • concurrent.

    You can use the --jobs flag for controlling the number of processes it should use for processing your file. Defaults to 1.

  • can support multiple VCSes.

    It could support multiple VCSes easily, although right now it has only git support.

  • supports aliases

    If a contributor used multiple emails for contributing to a project, you can use the --aliases option. It requires a JSON file with a certain structure, as seen below.

    Each entry in the alias should be a dictionary, containing two required fields, mails and name and one optional field, authoritative_mail.

    If the authoritative_mail is not given, the generated copyright will look as in:

    # Copyright (c) {year_span} {name}

    If the authoritative_name is given, then this will look as:

    # Copyright (c) {year_span} {name} <{mail}>

    The year_span represents the years in which a contributor made their contributions to that particular file.

        "mails": [
        "authoritative_mail": "",
        "name": "Claudiu Popa"
        "mails": [
        "name": "Oops",
  • supports thresholds for contributions

    There are two flags which control if a contribution should be considered. --contribution-threshold is specifying how many commits a contributor should have for a file in order for the contributions to be taken in consideration. --change-threshold specifies what is the least amount of added lines that a change should have. These two are exclusive, which means that a change threshold of 100 can have more importance than a contribution threshold of 2.

And here is an example:

$ copyrite --contribution-threshold 10 --change-threshold 4 --backend-type git my_repo --aliases=aliases_file


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.