Kemeny-Young method for rank aggregation of incomplete rankings with ties

pip install corankco==3.0.0


Python 3.8 PyPI version


corankco (COnsensus RANKing COmputation) is a Python package dedicated to the aggregation of incomplete rankings with ties. Users can choose the Kemeny-Young method (exact algorithm and several heuristics available), the Copeland method, and in some cases, the Borda method. The formalism to handle ties and/or incompleteness is detailed in the preprint: P. Andrieu, S. Cohen-Boulakia, M. Couceiro, A. Denise, A. Pierrot. A Unifying Rank Aggregation Model to Suitably and Efficiently Aggregate Any Kind of Rankings. Available at SSRN: As of our latest release, the API for corankco is now stable and finalized.


Before installing corankco, make sure your system meets the following requirements:

  • Python >= 3.8
  • For the usage of the exact algorithm on big datasets (with many elements to rank), the installation of IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio is recommended. A free academic version can be downloaded from the IBM website. After downloading, follow the instructions to install CPLEX. To install corankco from PyPI, you can use pip:
pip3 install corankco


Visit our official documentation. For examples of use, you can jump directly to our [Usage section below]{#usage}.


For any queries or support related to corankco, feel free to reach us at


We welcome contributions to corankco. If you'd like to contribute, feel free to fork the repository and submit your changes via a pull request.


corankco is licensed under the GPL-2.0 License. You can read more about it in the LICENSE file.


New in 7.2.0

  • Several algorithms have been sped up.
  • BioConsert heuristic no longer requires the C extension. As a consequence, corankco is now available for any platform. Note that the computation time of BioConsert has been reduced due to major code improvements.
  • Minor bug fix in BioConsert heuristic.
  • Several tests added

Example usage

from typing import List
import corankco as crc

# create a ranking from a list of sets
ranking1: crc.Ranking = crc.Ranking([{1}, {2, 3}])

# or from a string
ranking2: crc.Ranking = crc.Ranking.from_string("[{3, 1}, {4}]")

# also in this format
ranking3: crc.Ranking = crc.Ranking.from_string("[[1], [5], [3], [2]]")

# now, create a Dataset object. A Dataset is a list of rankings
dataset: crc.Dataset = crc.Dataset([ranking1, ranking2, ranking3])

# or, from raw rankings that is a list of list of sets of either ints,or strs
dataset2: crc.Dataset = crc.Dataset.from_raw_list([[{2, 1}, {4}], [{3, 1, 2}, {4}, {5}], [{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}]])

# or, create a Dataset object from a file where your rankings are stored
# format file: each line is a list of either set, or list of int / str.
dataset3: crc.Dataset = crc.Dataset.from_file(path="./dataset_examples/dataset_example")

# print information about the dataset

# get all datasets in a folder
list_datasets: List[crc.Dataset] = crc.Dataset.get_datasets_from_folder(path_folder="./dataset_examples")
for dataset_folder in list_datasets:

# choose your scoring scheme
sc: crc.ScoringScheme = crc.ScoringScheme([[0., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0.]])

print("scoring scheme : " + str(sc))
# scoring scheme description

print("\n### Consensus computation ###\n")

# list of rank aggregation algorithms to use among  BioConsert, ParCons, ExactAlgorithm, KwikSortRandom,
# RepeatChoice, PickAPerm, MedRank, BordaCount, BioCo, CopelandMethod

algorithms_to_execute = [crc.ExactAlgorithm(optimize=False),
                         crc.ParCons(bound_for_exact=90, auxiliary_algorithm=crc.BioConsert()),

for alg in algorithms_to_execute:
    consensus = alg.compute_consensus_rankings(dataset=dataset,
    # to get the consensus rankings : consensus.consensus_rankings
    # description() will display supplementary information
    # if you want the consensus ranking only : print(consensus)

    # get the Kemeny score associated with the consensus:

# compute a Kemeny score between a ranking and a list of rankings (dataset object):
ranking_test: crc.Ranking = crc.Ranking([{1, 2}, {4}, {3}])
dataset_test: crc.Dataset = crc.Dataset.from_raw_list([[{1}, {2}, {3}, {4}], [{1, 4}, {3}]])
scoring_scheme: crc.ScoringScheme = crc.ScoringScheme([[0., 1., 1., 0., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0.]])
kemeny_obj: crc.KemenyComputingFactory = crc.KemenyComputingFactory(scoring_scheme)
score: float = kemeny_obj.get_kemeny_score(ranking=ranking_test, dataset=dataset_test)
print("\nscore = ", score)

# Partitioning

# consistent with at least one optimal consensus
one_opt: crc.OrderedPartition = crc.OrderedPartition.parcons_partition(dataset_test, scoring_scheme)

# consistent with all the optimal consensus
all_opt: crc.OrderedPartition = crc.OrderedPartition.parfront_partition(dataset_test, scoring_scheme)

Jupiter Notebook for code execution and more examples

More detailed examples and use cases, please refer to our Jupyter Notebook.