
placeholder for future cp2k-toolchain package

cp2k, spack, toolchain-script
pip install cp2k-toolchain==0.0.1


CP2K Toolchain based on Spack

Advantages over the existing toolchain:

  • reduce maintenance of build scripts by leveraging Spack's maintained packages
  • re-use Spack expertise on building 3rdparty packages
  • re-use existing Spack installations and packages
  • automatic mirror generation for source packages to help CP2K users needing offline installation
  • build binary packages for caching in CI
  • distro/system-independant and reproducible build stack

Disadvantages over the existing toolchain:

  • By default everything except a system compiler is installed by Spack. This includes things like OpenSSL, Python.


  • Python 3.7+
  • git


$ git clone https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k-toolchain.git
$ cd cp2k-toolchain
$ ./install.py  # this takes some time and will by default build environments for sopt/popt/ssmp/psmp
$ ls arch/  # list generated arch files

To get the full list of options:

$ ./install.py --help
usage: install.py [-h] [--openmp | --no-openmp] [--mpi | --no-mpi]
                  [--spack-dir <path-to-spack-dir>]
                  [<feature> [<feature> ...]]

Generate a Spack environment configuration for the desired CP2K configuration

positional arguments:
  <feature>             a CP2K feature. ex.: +cuda ~sirius, passed down to
                        Spack (default: None)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --openmp              Whether to build ssmp/psmp environments (default:
  --mpi                 Whether to build popt/psmp environments (default:
  --spack-dir <path-to-spack-dir>
                        Path to the Spack environment. If it doesn't exist, a
                        new Spack environment will be fetched there (needs
                        Git). (default: /data/tiziano/cp2k-toolchain/spack)


  • generate CP2K arch/ files. Ideal would be if they could activate the corresponding environment automatically. In this case we could get away with using simple $(shell pkg-config --libs libxc ...) for most dependencies.
  • implement simple way to make Spack use system-provided MPI
  • implement simple way to make Spack use different system compiler
  • implement simple way to override packages with pre-install packages
  • figure out how to automatically set RPATH when building CP2K with the generated arch/ file to avoid having to load the environment just to run CP2K


  • CP2K has 4 main configurations: sopt, popt, ssmp, psmp. Basically the cross-product of with/without-OpenMP and with/without-MPI. We're following this by building a maximum of 4 Spack environments (since Spack by default would only build one specific variant), depending on whether the user wants OpenMP, or MPI. If the user disables both OpenMP and MPI, he will only get a sopt environment, if she disables MPI, the scripts will only build environments for sopt and ssmp.
  • We're using one Spack installation, meaning that packages shared between the environments will be built only once if their configuration is compatible. This is entirely left to Spack.
  • Spack only builds the required packages, not CP2K itself. There are two ways for this: Specify the required dependencies explicitly in the respective environment configuration (spack.yaml), which would mean to replicate to some extend the dependency-logic already contained in the Spack CP2K package, or to use a custom Spack package which only contains the dependency (and arch/-file generation) part of the Spack CP2K package.
  • We therefore provide a repository overlay registered in each environment which contains a stripped-down version of the Spack CP2K package called cp2k-deps. This should be kept in sync with Spack CP2K package wrt to dependency specification and arch/ file generation. The difference to the cp2k package is that this package does not pull any sources and only installs an arch/ file. This way we can even re-use the arch/ file generation already done in Spack.
  • Building and running one CP2K VERSION currently requires the activation of the corresponding Spack environment. Reason why the Spack environment is required to be loaded for compilation is the usage of pkg-config. At runtime the environment must be loaded because the RPATH is not set (and the linker loader would not find the libraries)